
In: Economics

44 Years After Roe V. Wade…in What Ways is Access to Safe and Legal Abortion a...

44 Years After Roe V. Wade…in What Ways is Access to Safe and Legal Abortion a man's issue. Examine and how men have a stake in the debate about safe and legal abortion in USA. Read CNN facts and Reply to these questions:

1. 30 states are trying to pass laws that restrict access to abortion, even though abortion is legally protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states.

Give your ideas about why you think access to safe and legal abortion is relevant to men as an issue. What role do men have in defending women's constitutional right to choose abortion?

………Thank you for your help……


Expert Solution

The access to safe and legal abortion is relevant to men as an issue since the need for abortion is common. Moreover, access to safe and legal abortion services is not usually guaranteed for those who may need abortion services.

This access is one of the most debated topics globally, and is full of misinformation about the true consequences of restricting the access to the basic healthcare service.

The Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in US undertakes that a ban on abortions does not result in lesses abortions, but mainly leads to secretive abortions, which are even more traumatic and dangerous. The Committee also notes that in many of the states in US where abortion is legal, numerous conditions are imposed which restrict the effective access to safe abortion.

The member states also adopted several sexual and reproductive health strategies, including access of women and men to contraception at a cheaper cost and sex education for young people.

The constitutional right to abortion is not found in the Constitution of US , but in a loose reading of it. The former U.S. President Barack Obama once asserted, “I remain committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right.”

With the Court's decisions in Roe and Doe, the restrictions to safe legal abortion began to fall and the states could no longer criminalize abortion. The women could no longer be forced to choose between continuing an undesired pregnancy or risking their health and lives by seeking an illegal abortion.

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