there are large no. of technologies have been developed in order
to select & sorting out of plastic wastes .
Plastic separation techniques may be manual or automated.
- plastic waste can be separated by triboelectric
separation.Which will help to differentiate between two plastic
items by rubbing them to each other .In this method triboelectric
separator separates different plastic materials on the basis of
surface charge transfer phenomenon.This method include a high speed
accelerator to eliminate shredded waste & the separated
delimanated material by air classification ,sieve &
Electrostatics .Using XRF techniques different type of flame
retardants can also be identified .There is one issue faced by
recycler of plastic in removal of paint coating on
plastics.Grinding can be used to remove coatings .Another way is
abrasion .Solvent stripping is also used to recyclers , which
involves dipping plastic into suitable solvents.
- waste can separated by shredding or cutting plastic waste parts
by utilizing saw & for further processing.Separation of paper
dust & other forms of impurities separated from
plastic.different plastic can be separated in floating tank as per
density .Washing & Drying of plastic is required.Chemical
washing is also applied for removal of sticky substances on
- there are various techniques & recycle process are
available like mechanical recycling ,Chemical recycling
etc.Material like glass, metal can be saparated on density
difference this can also be done manually for coarse parts.