
In: Electrical Engineering

You may use your programming of choice to implement and simulate. Please turn in the code, simulation, and a description of what is going on in the simulation.

You may use your programming of choice to implement and simulate. Please turn in the code, simulation, and a description of what is going on in the simulation.


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in c++ please In this program you are going to have several files to turn in...
in c++ please In this program you are going to have several files to turn in (NOT JUST ONE!!) hangman.h – this is your header file – I will give you a partially complete header file to start with. hangman.cpp – this is your source file that contains your main function functions.cpp – this is your source file that contains all your other functions wordBank.txt – this is the file with words for the game to use.  You should put 10...
* Make sure you turn in your code (take a screen shot of your code in...
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Use R programming to resolve this; can you please provide details on the code? A) Create...
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