In: Computer Science
How would I create a program in C++ where you build and maintain two binary search trees of information?
I have already created the file reader which I will list on the end. The 2 binary search trees should be controlled by the Operations:
L -- for launching a satellite, which will save it's info to the first set or
D -- for deorbit the satellite.
The other operations I'm looking to implement are:
F -- for find, where user inputs the satelite name and the program searches the trees and displays a message if the satellite was found launched (in orbit) or if it is no longer in orbit.
A -- for listing all satellites in each tree in order of names.
S -- for save the satellites in two files in a format suitable to be read in by your program later. The first filename should be “inorbit.txt” and the second filename should be “deorbit.txt”
R -- for read in information from the two files produced by a save and builds a new orbital and non-orbital tree. Any existing trees are deallocated before the new trees are built.
Q -- for quit. Quits the program and exits. It does NOT save the trees.
Here is the satellite reader I have created thus far:
int main()
ifstream inFile;
string name, country, who, classification, purpose,
detail, orbit, dateLaunched, launchSite, launchVehicle,
expectedLife, junk;
int noradNumber;
float apogee, perigee, period;"dataset1.txt");
if (inFile.is_open()) {
while (inFile.good()) {
getline(inFile, name);
if (inFile.bad() || inFile.eof()) { // end of data
getline(inFile, country);
getline(inFile, who);
getline(inFile, classification);
getline(inFile, purpose);
getline(inFile, detail);
getline(inFile, orbit);
inFile >> apogee >> perigee >> period;
getline(inFile, junk); // move past the newline after period
getline(inFile, dateLaunched);
getline(inFile, expectedLife); // floating Point or blank
getline(inFile, launchSite);
getline(inFile, launchVehicle);
inFile >> noradNumber;
getline(inFile, junk); //move past the newline after the norad
else {
cerr << "Couldn't open dataset1.txt for reading\n";
fresh code is here to merge two binary trees.
// c++ program to merge two balanced binary trees
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child and a pointer to right child */
class node
int data;
node* left;
node* right;
// A utility unction to merge two sorted into one
int *merge(int arr1[], int arr2[],int m, int n);
// Ahelper function that stores inorder
// traversal of a tree in inorder array
void storeInorder(node* node, int inorder[],
int *index_ptr);
/* A function that contructs balanced
binary search tree from a sorted array
node* sortedArrayToBST(int arr[], int start, int end);
/* this function merges two balanced
BSTs with roots as root1 and root2.
m and n are the sizes of the trees respectively */
node* mergeTrees(node *root1, node *root2, int m, int n)
// store inorder traversal of
// first tree in an array arr1[]
int *arr1 = new int[m];
int i =0;
storeInorder(root1, arr1, &i);
// store inorder traversal of second
// tree in another array arr2[]
int *arr2 = new int[n[;
int j = 0;
storeInorder(root2, arr2, &j);
// merge the two sorted array into one
int *mergedArr = merge(arr1, arr2, m, n);
// construct a tree from the merged
// array and return root of the tree
return sortedArrayToBST (mergedArr, 0, m + n - 1);
/* helper function that allocates a new node with the given data and null left and right pointers .*/
node* newNode(int data)
node* node = new node();
node->data = data;
node->left = null;
node->right = null;
// a utility function to print inorder
// traversal of a given binary tree
void printInorder(node* node)
if (node == null)
/* first recur on left child */
count << node->data << " ";
/* now recur on right child */
// a utility function to merge
// two sorted arrays into one
int *merge(int arr1[], int arr2[], int m, int n)
// mergedArr[] is going to contain result
int *mergeArr = new int[m + n];
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
// traverse trough both arrays
while (i , m && j < n)
// pick the smaler aelement and put it in mergedArr
if (arr1[i] < arr2[j])
mergedArr[k] = arr1[i];
megedArr[k] = arr2[j];
// if there are more elements in first array
while (i < m)
mergedArr[k] = arr1[i];
i++; k++;
// if there are more elements in second array while (j < n)
mergedArr[k] = arr2[j];
j++; k++;
return mergedArr;
//a helper function that stores in order
// traversal of a tree rooted with node
void storeIorder(node* node, int inorder[], int *index_ptr)
if (node == NULL)
/* first recur on left child */
storeInorder(node->left, inorder, index_ptr);
inorder[*index_ptr] = node->data;
// increase index for next entry
/* now recur on right child */
storeInorder(node->right, inorder, index_ptr_);
/* afunction that constructs balanced
// binary search tree from a sorted array
node* sortedArrayToBST(int arr[], int start, int end)
/* base case */
if (start > end)
return NULL;
/* get the middle element and make it root */
int mid = (start + end)/2;
node *root = newnode(arr[mid]);
/* recursively construct the left subtree and make it left child of root */
root->left = sortedArrayToBST(arr, start, mid-1);
root->right = sortedArrayToBST(arr, mid+1, end);
retuen root;
/* driver code*/
int main
/* create folloeing tree as first balanced BST
node *root1 = newnode(100);
root1->left = newnode(50);
root1->right = newnode(300);
root1->left->left = newnode(20);
root1->left->right = newnode(70);
/* create second balanced BST*/
node *root2 = newnode(80);
root2->left = newnode(40);
root2->right = newnode(120);
node *mergedTree =mergeTrees(root1, root2, 5, 3);
count << "following is Inorder traversal of the merged tree \n";
return 0;