
In: Computer Science

C++ Create a program that use the linkedbag 3. Develop a program to maintain a list...

C++ Create a program that use the linkedbag

3. Develop a program to maintain a list of homework assignments. When an assignment is assigned, add it to the list, and when it is completed, remove it. You should keep track of the due date. Your program should provide the following services: • Add a new assignment. • Remove an assignment. • Provide a list of the assignments in the order they were assigned. • Find the assignment(s) with the earliest due date. 4. We can represent a polynomial as an ordered list of terms, where the terms are ordered by their exponents. To add two polynomials, you traverse both lists and examine the two terms at the current iterator position. If the exponent of one is smaller than the exponent of the other, then insert this one into the result and advance that list’s iterator. If the exponents are equal, then create a new term with that exponent and the sum of the coefficients, and advance both iterators. For example: 3x4 + 2x2 + 3x + 7 added to 2x3 + 4x + 5 is 3x4 + 2x3 + 2x2 + 7x + 12 Write a program to read and add polynomials. You should define a class Term that contains the exponent and coefficient. This class should implement operator< by comparing the values of the exponents.


Expert Solution

I have added comments in the program for better understanding


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

//class representing the Node of the linked list

class Node{
       string name; //denotes the name of the assignment
       string dueDate; //denotes the due date of the assignment
       Node* next; //points to the next assignment in the list

// function to add a new assignment to the list

void addAssignment(Node** head,string n,string d){
   Node* newNode = new Node(); //creating a new node to store the information of the new assignment
   Node* curr = *head;
   newNode->name = n;
   newNode->dueDate = d;
   newNode->next = NULL;
   //in case the list does not contain any assignments
       *head = newNode;
   // If the list is non empty, we go the end of the list and add the assignment there
       curr = curr->next;
   curr->next = newNode;

// function to remove given assignment

void removeAssignment(Node** head,string n){
   Node* temp = *head;
   Node* prev; //pointer to the previous element is neccesary for linking the previous node to the next node after deletion

   // if the head contains the assignment to be deleted
if (temp != NULL && temp->name == n){
*head = temp->next;   
   // searching the entire list for the required assignment
while (temp != NULL && temp->name != n){
prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
   // if there was no such assignment we simply return from the function
if (temp == NULL){

prev->next = temp->next;
   free(temp); // to avoid memory leaks

// function to print the list of assignments

void printAssignment(Node* head){
       cout<<"NAME = "<<head->name<<" DUE DATE = "<<head->dueDate<<endl;
       head = head->next;

// function to get the assignment with the earliest due date

void getAssignment(Node* head){
   string minYear = "3333";
   string minMonth = "33";
   string minDate = "33";
   string n = "";
   while(head != NULL){
       string date = head->dueDate.substr(0,2);
       string month = head->dueDate.substr(3,2);
       string year = head->dueDate.substr(6,4);
       if(year > minYear){
           head = head->next;
           if(month > minMonth){
               head = head->next;
               if(date > minDate){
                   head = head->next;
                   minDate = date;
                   minMonth = month;
                   minYear = year;
                   n = head->name;
                   head = head->next;
   cout<<"Assignment with the earliest due date is "<<n<<endl;

int main() {
   Node* head = NULL;
   cout<<"After removing English assignment the list is "<<endl;
   return 0;


NAME = Math DUE DATE = 01-01-2000
NAME = English DUE DATE = 01-01-2001
NAME = History DUE DATE = 01-01-2002
NAME = Physics DUE DATE = 01-01-2003

After removing English assignment the list is 
NAME = Math DUE DATE = 01-01-2000
NAME = History DUE DATE = 01-01-2002
NAME = Physics DUE DATE = 01-01-2003

Assignment with the earliest due date is Math


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

class Term{
       int exponent;
       int coefficient;
       Term* next;

// function to create a node inthe linked list

void createNode(Term** head,int x,int y){
   Term* newNode = new Term();
   Term *curr = *head;
   newNode->coefficient = x;
   newNode->exponent = y;
   newNode->next = NULL;
   if(*head == NULL){
       *head = newNode;
   while(curr->next != NULL){
       curr = curr->next;
   curr->next = newNode;

// function to add the polynomials

Term* addPolynomials(Term* p1, Term* p2){
   Term * p = NULL;
   while(p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL){

// if the exponent of first polynomial is greater than that of second one then copy it as it is in the answer polynomial
if(p1->exponent > p2->exponent){
p1 = p1->next;

  // if the exponent of second polynomial is greater than that of first one then copy it as it is in the answer polynomial
else if(p1->exponent < p2->exponent){
p2 = p2->next;

// otherwise add the corresponding coefficients
p1 = p1->next;
p2 = p2->next;
   while(p1 != NULL || p2 != NULL) {
   if(p1 != NULL){
   p1 = p1->next;
   if(p2 != NULL){
   p2 = p2->next;
   return p;

// function to print polynomials

void printPoly(Term* head){
       head = head->next;
       if(head != NULL){
           cout<<" + ";

int main() {
   Term* p1 = NULL,*p2 = NULL,*p =NULL;
// creating the first polynomial

// creating the second polynomial
   p = addPolynomials(p1,p2);
   return 0;


7x2 + 5x1 + 3x0
8x2 + 9x1 + 3x0
15x2 + 14x1 + 6x0

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