
In: Statistics and Probability

The sensitivity of a diagnostic test is the probability that a true positive (e.g. someone with...

The sensitivity of a diagnostic test is the probability that a true positive (e.g. someone with the disease under question) is correctly identified as such. The specificity, on the other hand, is the probability that a true negative (e.g. a healthy person) is not reported as a positive. You have a COVID-19 antibody test with specificity α and sensitivity β. There are N people in a particular population, and suppose we already know that n of them have the disease.

(a) What is the probability that someone picked out of this population will be correctly diagnosed (either as a positive or a negative)?

(b) What is the probability that a positive diagnosis means someone actually has the disease? Or that a negative diagnosis means they don’t have it?

(c) Only ten people out of a sampled population of 10,000 actually have the disease. Let α = 0.97 and β = 0.95. How many false positives and false negatives are expected?

(d) Now let’s say 9,000 actually have the disease. How many false positives and false negatives are expected this time?


Expert Solution

sensitivity of a diagnostic test = P (a true positive is correctly identified) = β

specificity of a diagnostic test = P (a true negative is not reported as a positive) = α

& given that n out of N have the disease.

a) P (someone picked out of this population will be correctly diagnosed)

= P (the person is choosen from n affected persons & identified correctly) + P (the person is choosen from (N-n) healthy persons & not reported as a positive)


b) P (a diagnosis results positive given that someone actually has the disease)


similarly, P (a diagnosis results negative given that someone don't have the disease)

c)Only 10 people out of a sampled population of 10,000 actually have the disease

=> P (false positive) = P(the person is choosen from (N-n) healthy persons & reported as a positive)

= 0.02997

=> expected no. of false positive = 10000*0.02997 = 299.7

and, P (false negative) = P (the person is choosen from n affected persons & identified negative)

= 0.00005

=> expected no. of false negative = 10000*0.00005 = 0.5

d) If 9,000 actually have the disease,

P (false positive) = 0.003

=> expected no. of false positive = 10000*0.003 = 30

P (false negative) = 0.045

=> expected no. of false negative = 10000*0.045 = 450

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