
In: Computer Science

USING MATLAB Part 2: Insert coins For this part, you are going implement the code that...


Part 2: Insert coins

For this part, you are going implement the code that asks the user to enter coins until they have entered enough for the NAU power juice.

  1. Open the insert_coins.m file.
  1. Initialize total to 0. We do this because initially, no coins have been entered.

  1. Using a loop, ask the user to enter a coin until the total matches or exceeds 115 cents. The input should be a char or string, so make sure that you are using the ‘s’ with your input function (refer to the pre-lab). Also, be sure that you store the input in a variable named coin. After the coin has been entered, your get_coin_value function is called to get the value of the coin and add it to the total (this has been done for you).

  1. After your loop, print a message to let them know that their NAU power juice has been dispensed.


Expert Solution

Note: I am showing the full working code below. If some part is already implemented for you, substitute that part accordingly into this code. If any confusion, please let me know in the comments.

Matlab Code:

total = 0;

%Following function to return the value as per coin name
function value = get_coin_value(c)
c = lower(c); %converting input to all lowercase
if strcmp(c,"penny") == 1
value = 1;
elseif strcmp(c,"nickel") == 1
value = 5;
elseif strcmp(c,"dime") == 1
value = 10;
elseif strcmp(c,"quarter") == 1
value = 25;
elseif strcmp(c,"half") == 1
value = 50;
elseif strcmp(c,"dollar") == 1
value = 100;
%Loop to keep asking user for coin till total is less than 115 cents
coin = input("Please enter a coin: ",'s');
total = total + get_coin_value(coin);

disp("Your NAU power juice has been dispensed")

Sample Output Screenshot:

(*Note: Please up-vote. If any doubt, please let me know in the comments)

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