In: Electrical Engineering
Implement Fading Channel Simulation: Jakes Model with using
The rayleigh fading model is implemented as a function in matlab with following parameters :
M = number of multipaths in the fading channel
N = number of samples to generate
fd = maximum doppler spread in Hz
Ts = sampling period
Function to simulate Rayleigh Fading
function [h] = rayleighFading (M, N, fd,Ts)
% function to generate rayleigh Fading samples based on Jake's model
% M = number of multipaths in the channel
% N = number of samples to generate
% fd = maximum doppler frequency
% Ts = sampling period
We will use the Jake's Rayleigh Fading model and check the statistical properties of the random process generated by model against the statistical properties of Rayleigh distribution.
Jake's Channel model is a sum of sinusoids model. It gives pdf of scaling as a function of angle of an arrival for each path.
Mathematically, we have
Cn2 = f () d
where, f () = 1 /
d = 2
then, we get
Cn2 = [(1 / 2) (2
Cn = 1 / N
An equation for r (t) will be given as :
r (t) = rI (t) + j rQ (t)
We know that, rI = (1 / N)
cos (2
Fd cos
m t +
rQ = (1 / N)
sin (2
Fd cos
m t +
Where, am & bm = random phases
uniformly distributed over (0, 2)
m =
angle of arrival
In Jakes' model, the cross-correlation was lower than Clarke's model.
Simulating Jake's Channel Model