In: Chemistry
Derive and explain the relationship between the Nernst equation, the equilibrium constant and other thermodynamic quantities such as enthalpy, Gibbs energy and entropy of reaction.
The K equilibrium is an important factor to calculate gibbs energy, nernst equation and also we can study the relationship of K eq with Enthalpy and Entropy
For a reaction we have
and equilibrium is defined as:
a, b, c and d are the stoichiometrical coefficients.
Now we know that it is related to free gibs energy
Gibbs energy of reaction in equilibrium is defined as:
R is gas constant
T is temperature
Keq is the equilibrium constant for a reaction
For spontaneity we have:
is negative
for a spontaneus reaction
At this point we can se that for a spontaneus reactions if it is shifted towards the products the value of G will have a higher (negative) value.
Now let´s relate it to the cell potential,
The Cell potential E is the trend of chemical species in a redox reaction to aquire electrons, so when a reaction happens a flow of eletrons occur, it has to be related with gibbs for reversible reaction:
positive reaction is spontaneus
E is the cell potencial for a rection
There is a matematical relation between E and
where n is the number of electrons for semirreactions
F is faraday number
If we relate this last 2 equations with the definition of Gibbs free energy we get:
are the values of gibbs and E at standard conditions (1 atm and
It has a negative sign because of the relation of spontaneity of Gibbs free energy and cell potential I explained.
If we divide this equiation by nF we get
Now let´s multiply by -1
This is the nernst equation.
In this case for a redox reaction, at the beggining of the reaction it has the higher value of cell potential, as the reaction proceeds the E value will be lower and lower until it gets to zero.
In the last equation we can see that as the reaction proceeds (products are formed) the Keq will grow also and the E will have a lower value until it reaches zero (reaction is complete), it cannot have a negative value
Now remember again
Now the formal definition of gibss is:
For a spontaneus process
in order to be negative the Gibbs energy
making equal those 2 equations we get:
If we divide it by RT we get:
A differention equation with respect to the variable T leads you to the Vant Hoff equation.
But let´s explain what we have here:
The K of equilibrium can be described as a linear function of
as the
slpe and the
as the
So for a reversible reaction we now that for diferent temperatures the Equilibrium constant will change in relation with the Enthalpy of reaction and Entropy
For endothermic process
for an exothermic process:
You can apply la chetelier principle too.
For an exothermic reaction if you remove heat (decrease temperature) the equilibrium will naturally be displaced to the products(Keq will be higher) if you increase heat the equilibrium will displace toward the reactants.
The opposite is true for an endothermic reaction
These can be seen clearly with the equations that relates equilibrium with enthalpy and entropy