Explain renal threshold and how diabetes mellitus causes
polyuria. In a clinical setting, what is a
renal threshold test used for and what is a renal clearance
test used?
Explain what diabetes is and some of its causes.
Describe three myths commonly associated with diabetes and
discuss the stereotypes that they perpetuate.
Explain the association of the American diet with immigrants to
the United States and discuss your thoughts on how diabetes could
be better managed in this population (not from the medical aspect,
but from the healthcare administration and epidemiological
List the various
causes of diabetes
Define Hypoglycemia
and Hyperglycemia and why an individual with diabetes would get
each one
Describe management
ideas for this disease
Diabetes mellitus occurs with hyposecretion of insulin or
hypoactivity of insulin.
Define polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.
Explain why these symptoms occur with diabetes mellitus.