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make a presentation Topic: Training and Development in Banking Sector (just need an example) . 1....

make a presentation

Topic: Training and Development in Banking Sector (just need an example)


1. what went well with the research

2. what were the main challenges and highlights of the research

3. what did you learn from carrying out your research

4. what would you do differently if you were starting your research over again

5. what aspect of your research would you like to take further/continue


Expert Solution

1 answer: Teacher education programs operate with the notion that reflection is a critically important characteristic and skill of an effective teacher. The ability of a teacher to reflect on his or her teaching practice is one of the State of California’s Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Standards for Teaching. Because having a skill does not always translate into the doing of a skill, these institutions want teachers to have the disposition to reflect. Teacher educators believe that having the disposition to reflect is more likely to result in the doing of reflection. Much curriculum and many assignments have been developed to foster reflection in novice teachers and teacher reflection has been analysed and studied from many vantage points. The purpose of this study was to better understand the role and development of reflection in novice teachers over time. I explored the effectiveness of a case writing assignment designed to foster reflection given as part of a first semester education methods course and then used the assignment to track the growth of reflection over time. Some of the guiding research questions were: Does the student teacher’s analysis of the locus of the central problem in the case change over time? Has the student teacher’s repertoire of strategies to solve the problem increased over time? Do the quantity and quality of reflection increase over time? How does the student make sense of reflection and how is it manifested in practice

2. answer:Novelty and innovation are important challenges facing researchers especially in developing countries with very hard access to advanced technology. Poor finance and support could be other factors confronting researchers in our societies. Lack of governmental strategic planning put many obstacles in front of scientific research also.

3. answer:My experience in carrying out research began when I was consistently tried to explore different projects in which I can learn more about structural engineering (I decided to choose Structural engineering as my specialization in the second year of my undergraduate studies) and that fire my imagination. During my second year of undergrad I got a chance to watch a movie with my family members and there was a scene in which the heroine dies in a bomb blast. That triggered my desire to design the structures that are resistant against blast load. The very next day, I started collecting journals, books and other articles related to the blast resistant design of structures. I was so excited and started learning with a good level of confidence. My undergrad project and postgraduate thesis are on the analysis and design of blast resistant structures. These research experiences have strengthened my intellectual ability and leadership qualities. I have published several articles, few journals and a book as a postgraduate , which taught me how to effectively convey my thoughts and research to the community.

4 answer:

Know that “There’s so much to life”. Never let your happiness lie in the hands of others. You can be happy only if you wish to be happy. How can we miss what we never thought of having in the first place? Happiness comes when you become selfless. Unexpected happiness is best of all happiness.

Treat everyone equally. Not judge everyone you see. Know them better and have this consideration for others.

Value time. Realize that time’s too short. And concentrate what really matters the most at the moment. To have lesser distractions.

We probably think that we are not greedy;it is others who have greed: We only have reasonable wishes. If ever you think all your needs are reasonable,please reconsider.

5.answer:We have developed and tested this theory of public involvement in research in eight diverse case studies; this has highlighted important contextual factors, in particular PI leadership, which had not previously been prominent in the literature. We have identified how this critical contextual factor shapes key mechanisms of public involvement, including the identification of a senior lead for involvement, resource allocation for involvement and facilitation of research partners. These mechanisms then lead to specific outcomes in improving the quality of research, notably recruitment strategies and materials and data collection tools and methods. We have identified a ‘virtuous circle’ of feedback to research partners on their contribution leading to their improved confidence and motivation, which facilitates their continued contribution.

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