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Topic: Training and development impact on Employee performance in Abu Dhabi islamic bank


As we know the banking sector is one of the toughest job in the business organizations. Today most the services of the banks are having a poor services. So for this purpose we have chosen the topic Training and development impact on the employee performance and productivity in UAE banks  

Training and Development is a basic part. An employee performance is fully depend upon the training. After joining one employee should go through the training purpose, we need to identify the skills on the basis of this one employee can function full way. So that their development is the first criterion for performance evaluation,

Employee Development:

  • Creativity
  • Attitude
  • Ability
  • Knowledge.

These are the major parts of the development of employees. Any organization success is depending upon the human resource quality Here the purpose of study is to investigate about training and development of employees and their performance in the organization.

Impact of Training

As regarding to the bank are having a poor performance in the UAE bank but When the UAE bank are trained the employees they become motivated and feel the bank value them. So that he or she can not payback financially to the UAE banks as gratitude so that they improve the performance. There is no excuse about the poor performance from the side of employees. An employee is become loyal to the bank if they know the work and having issue in a particular task.

Degree of Development

As regarding to the degree of development the employee must to achieve the following areas regarding to their development such as communication development, technical and operational development, personal and physical development as well as social and professional development through that they face the challenges in the daily operation. These are helping them to improve the performance and productivity.

Both the qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in the study. The study of employees of a company is conducted. A questionnaire is also issued for that. The statistical tools used are descriptive and inferential for the data analysis. For this purpose, the frequency tables and standard deviations is also used. The result of the study shows the training and development of employees and its effect on their performance.

Problem Statement:
At present, not all banks provide training to their workers to reduce the output and performance. Lastly, they are not gets the right notes. So now it's a very bad thing. We grill but first we need to achieve the proper training.
Without training we are not completely judge each organization because it is the variouskinds for the business processes. Therefore, we should first of all gives the perfect training. Therefore, the rate of employee turnover and dissatisfaction increases dramatically and most people neglect doing work at Banks.

Research Question:

Effect Training strategies for staff performance in Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Abu Dhabi

Study hypotheses:

  • The assumptions of the research were based upon the issue of the study and its various elementsgets the goals about the desired research:
  • √ First hypothesis; here is not the relationship among the chosen about the trainers as well as the stages of the training process and among the efficiency and productivity for the work implementation".
  • √ Second hypothesis: Here is no relationship among the quality for training program as well as the goals about the company also the performance of the staff."
  • √ Third Hypothesis: It is not the relationship among the high management commitment and acceptance about the training strategy and innovation and creativity, good employee performance."
  • √ Fourth hypothesis; The successful about the training strategy which depending upon the best choice about trainers."

Scope of the study:

The important goal about the researches are to examine the reality about training and processing the interaction under the performance appraisal process to determine and return on training activities also impact on employee performance level.

Study objectives:

This study aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • The statement about the stage of applications and the stages about the training process by the Islamic Bank of Abu Dhabi is a strategic input.
  • Identify some of the most important training program which offering to staff at the Islamic Bank Abu Dhabi

Significance of study:

This research advantages the banks of the UAE Country (Elnaga, 2013), who have explained in research which is train and lead about the worse performance. And however, the (Gunu, 2013” and argue which is the training one is not necessarily develop the worker performance.
To achieve the most out of the training it is very necessary to evaluating the individual training needs, assessing the specific types of training to be given to the staff, to focus on staff weaknesses as well as to develop the required training courses immediately when the employee is done. the bank's profit will increase, the bank's image will increase also the necessary training courses will be developed.
For example, Workers who are deals with the client must have communication when they need to be satisfied with the client, where technical staff who immediately do computer work need to be trained with certain courses to helping to them upgrade to the advance technology. (Elnaga, 2013)



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Expert Solution

Topic : Impact of training and development on the employee performance in Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

Working in a bank as an employee is one of the toughest jobs, where you need to build strong relations with your customers and keep them satisfied. The major issue in today's world is that most of the services offered by bank employees are poor quality and thus unable to keep the customers satisfied. Thus the topic of impact of training and development has been chosen with special reference to Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank in order to find the impact of training in the productivity of the bank employees. Training forms an integral part of the employees. The performance of an employee can be improved by offering an appropriate training program to them. As soon as the employee joins an organization, suitable level of training is imparted to them and thus their development based on the same can be analysed and evaluated.

The employee's development can be measured based on the below mentioned parameters :



Ability and Knowledge

The above mentioned attributes form the basic parameters of the development of an individual. As the manpower is the biggest asset of an organization and its most valuable resource, so the impact of training and delopment of an invidual on the productivity of the organization is being studied as an important measure.

As Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank was facing issues related to poor productivity, so the training was imparted to them. As a result of training being imparted, the employees feel motivated and start considering themselves to be an integral part of the organization. They start realizing that the organization value them and thus show a return gesture in the form of improved productivity.

There are various areas where the employees can develop themselves in terms of communication development, technical and operational development, personal and physical development, social and professional development. These are certain areas involved in daily operations and thus needs to be improved. By improving in these areas, the performance and productivity of an individual can be improved.

For the research purpose, both the qualitative and quantitative approach is being used. The tool used for condusting research is a structured questionnaire which is being used to collect the responses. The data collected is then analysed by using statistical tools such as descriptive and inferential analysis. Frequency table and standard deviation measures were also being used to analyse the data and to draw suitable inferences.

Currently the banks consider Training to be a wasteful expenditure and do not offer appropriate training to their employees. This is reflected in terms of poor performance of their employees. Employees also have certain grievances that they are not being trained and thus are unable to perform upto the mark. This can thus be overcome only if the training needs of the individuals are identified and they are being given appropriate training. In case of lack of training, when the employees are laid off based on poor performance, it leads to dissatisfaction and low morale amongst the employees. They start neglecting their job responsibilities.

Hypotehses of the study

  • The research is based on the assumption about the major issue of the study and its elements in achieving the desired goals.
  • Hypothesis One : There is no relationship between the trainer chosen and stage of the training process on the productivity and performance of the individual.
  • Hypothesis Two : There is no relatinship between the quality of training program offered and the impact on the performance and productivity of the individual.
  • Hypothesis Three : There is no relationship between the committment of the top management and their acceptance about the training startegy and the emplyee performance.
  • Fourth Hypothesis : The success of the training strategy depends on the quality of the trainers employed.

Scope of the study

The major goal of the study is to find out the relationship between the training needs of an individual and its impact on the performance and productivity of the individual which also reflects in its performance appraisal.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • The major input considered is the stage and the quality of the training program imparted to the employees of the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank.
  • To identify the major training modules offered to the staff of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank.

Significance of study:

The research process would bring out advantage to Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank in the form of identifying the training needs of an individual, develop suitable training program for them, hire qualified and skilled trainers to impart training and to find out the improvement in the performance and prodcutivity of the indviduals through the training imparted. This would be helpful in achieving the goals of the bank in an effective way and thus to keep the stakeholders like employees, customers, shareholders and the directors of the bank happy and satisfied.

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