In: Biology
What is the benefit of a binomial naming system? How does our understanding of the relationships among organisms in the natural world benefit from using the Linnaean system? Why do all mammals share similar skeletal structures? ( I will give 5 stars) and don't plagiarize
Binomial system provide 2 word components for the naming of an organism which is quite convenient to use.It helps in the identification and classification of organisms based on easily observable characters. In this way every organism gets an unique scientific name which is used all over the world without any confusion among people of different countries or localities,as the local or common names vary with places. According to binomial system of nomenclature the first word of the name represents the genus of an organism while the second word represents the species.
As, we know species get evolved with time on earth,after a long time a species may not appear as it's ancestor and may seems to be related to different species. With the help of binomial system or say Linnean system we can easily check from which species or genus that organism belongs to.It also provide help to understand the relationship between different but related organisms,means it provide phylogenetic relationships.
All mammals share similar pattern of skeltal structure because all of them originated from a commom ancestor(therapsids under group synapsids).For example, the forelimbs of all mammals consist of radius, humerus, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and digits or phalanges. Although these structures are anatomically similar, they perform different fucnctions due to adaptation to different habitats and needs, resulting in divergent evolution.These structures are homologous which shows their common ancestory.For example, flippers of whale and forelimb of cheetah. Both of them has same structure of forelimb but since the whale lives in water it has adapted to swim and so it's forelimbs are modified into flippers while the cheetah lives on land and has to run.