
In: Computer Science

How to count the number of words that only show up once in a text file,...

How to count the number of words that only show up once in a text file, and replace those words with a character '(unique)' using Python? Without list is better.


Expert Solution

In the below program , it will count the number of occurences of all the words.Then it will replace the single occurance word to (unique).This will be easier so that you can have the number of occurences of all the words.

The program is as follows:

text = open ("sample.txt" , "r")   //Opens a file in read mode

d = dict() //just creating an empty Dictionary

for line in text : //Loop to go through each line of the file

line= line. strip()   //Removes the spaces for counting

line=line. lower() //converts to lower case for easy identification

words = line. split() //Split the lines into words

for word in words :   //Iterate over each word in a line

if word in d : //Check if the word is in the directory

d[word]=d[word]+1   //Increment the number of times

else :

d[word]= 1


if d[word] ==1 : //If the word is present only once

print("unique") //Prints unique

Note: Read the linewise comments for better understanding.

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