
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Put these nerve pathways in proper order from stimulus to cerebrum. Eye 1. visual cortex 2....

Put these nerve pathways in proper order from stimulus to cerebrum.


1. visual cortex

2. optic (II) nerve

3. rods/cones


1. vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve

2. hair cells of the organ of Corti

3. auditory cortex


Expert Solution

The visual pathway consists impulse transmission from the retina of eye ,to optic nerves, to optic chiasm, to optic tracts, to lateral geniculate bodies to optic radiations, and finally to visual cortex.

For eye following order is of visual pathway :-


2)optic nerve

1)visual cortex

The auditory pathway refers to condition of auditory stimulus from hair cells of cohllea to spiral ganglion to cochlear nucleus to superior olivary nucleus to inferior colliculs to mefian geniculate body to primary auditory cortex of brain

For ear following order is of auditory pathway

2)hair cells of organ of corti

1) vestibulochochlear nerve

3)auditory cortex

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