
In: Anatomy and Physiology

What happens before conditioning? 1. Draw where the tone and visual stimulus connect in the pathway

What happens before conditioning?

1. Draw where the tone and visual stimulus connect in the pathway


Expert Solution

In classical conditioning, a person or animal learns to link  a neutral stimulus also known as the conditioned stimulus, CS  with a stimulus that is the unconditioned stimulus, or US , which naturally produces a behaviour (the unconditioned response, or UR). As a result of this association, the previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the same response (the conditioned response, or CR).

Before conditioning, an unconditioned stimulus produces an unconditioned response and a neutral stimulus does not produce a response. But During conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus is presented repeatedly just after the presentation of the neutral stimulus After conditioning, the neutral stimulus alone produces a conditioned response and  thus becoming a conditioned stimulus.

For example, when you smell one of your favorite foods, you may immediately feel very hungry. In this example, the smell of the food is the unconditioned stimulus.

The unconditioned response is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus.4 In our example, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned response.

before conditioning

food ................................response .......... salivation

(uncondition stimulus) ( uncondition response )

tone and visual

whistle( tone) salivation( visual)

(neutral stimulus) ( no condition response)

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