
In: Statistics and Probability

magine you are testing for the effects of two experimental drugs (data sets B and C)relative...

magine you are testing for the effects of two experimental drugs (data sets B and C)relative to a control group (Data set A) on a physiological variable.

Data set A: 105.51,111.46,104.35,115.27,113.98,119.18,116.45,119.98

Data set B: 93.63,88.90,95.03,86.08,85.86,98.22,105.46,96.50

Data set C: 95.12,97.12,94.08,99.78,101.44,101.27,104.70,103.70

b) Use the Bonferroni-Holm (regardless of whether part “a” is significant or not) to examine all pairwise comparisons. Show all your calculations and state your conclusions



Expert Solution


105.51 93.63 95.12
111046 88.9 97.12
104.35 95.03 9408
115.27 86.08 99.78
113.98 85.86 101.44
119.18 98.22 101.27
116.45 105.46 104.7
119.98 96.5 103.7

Bonferroni- Holm test:


Ho: No Statistical Significance diffrace between A,B and C

Ho: The Statistical Significance diffrace between A,B and C

first i am perfroming the one way ANOVA

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
A 8 111840.7 13980.09 1.54E+09
B 8 749.68 93.71 44.41586
C 8 10111.13 1263.891 10828828
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 9.49E+08 2 4.75E+08 0.919003 0.414373 3.4668
Within Groups 1.08E+10 21 5.16E+08
Total 1.18E+10 23

F-value > P- value

Reject the null Hypothesis in anova between the Group

calultate Bonferroni- Holm test:

alpha = 0.05

t test Bonferroni Rank Holm
A B 0.333615 0.017 2 0.025
B C 0.331586 0.017 1 0.017
C A 0.376276 0.017 3 0.05

frist i am possibel all combination of group find out so three possible combination of above AB, BC, CA then calultate the T-test of each combination, then next calculate Bonferroni value in formula is Given by

Bonferroni = alpha/3

3 becouse the all possible combination group

then Rank decided by the t- test value.

last calultate the Holm value of formula is:

Holm = alpha/(3 -Rank+1)

so compaire the all holm value in t test value so Accept the null hypothesis it's mean's that there is no statistical signifiance diffrance between three drugs A, B, C

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