
In: Computer Science

########################################################### # Lab 5 - Debugging # Name: # Date: # # Objective: # The purpose...

# Lab 5 - Debugging
# Name:
# Date:
# Objective:
# The purpose of this lab assignment is to help you understand
# debugging processes in assembly language using debug tools
# provided by QtSpim
# Description:
# 1) Syntax, logic, and comment errors exist in:
# - main
# - print_array
# - read_array
# - allocate_array
# 2) Find and fix the syntax, logical, and comment errors
# *** Hint: Find all the "#To do" and fix bugs ***
# *** There are 23 total bugs to fix! ***
# 3) Test the code. If the code is working, submit to
# the Lab #5 dropbox on Canvas
# Note:
# sort_array subprogram is correct and has no bug, do not modify sort_array!
# Sample run:
# Enter size of the array to allocate (size > 0): 5
# Enter an integer: 4
# Enter an integer: 3
# Enter an integer: 2
# Enter an integer: 1
# Enter an integer: -5
# Array: 4 3 2 1 -5
# Array: -5 1 2 3 4
array_pointer_p: .word 0 # holds address of dynamic array (address)
array_size_p: .word 0 # hold size of dynamic array (value)

newline_p: .asciiz "\n"
# set up arguments for allocate_array subprogram
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of static variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of static variable array_size into register $a1
jal allocate_array # call subprogram allocate_array
# arguments IN: address of static variable "array_pointer" & "array_size"
# arguments OUT: NONE

# set up arguments for read_array subprogram
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
jal read_array # call subprogram read_array
# arguments IN: true address of dynamic array and array size value
# arguments OUT: NONE

# calling subprogram print_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
jal print_array # calling subprogram print_array

# print newline character
la $a0, newline_p # prints newline character
li $v0, 4
# calling subprogram sort_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
jal sort_array # calling subprogram sort_array

# calling subprogram print_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix error
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
jal print_array # calling subprogram print_array

li $v0, 4
syscall # Halt
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size pointer (address)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array size pointer (address)
# $t2 Holds array size, temporarily
allocate_array_prompt_p: .asciiz "Enter size of the array to allocate (size > 0): "
allocate_array_invalid_p: .asciiz "Array size you entered is incorrect (size > 0)!\n"
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

move $t1, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t0, $a1 # move array size pointer (address) to $t1
li $v0, 4 # prompt for array size
la $a0, allocate_array_prompt_p
#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
li $v0, 6 # reads integer for array size

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
bgez $v0, allocate_array_invalid_size # branch to error section as array size is
# less than or equal to zero
move $t2, $v0 # store valid array size in register $t2

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
li $v0, 5 # dynamically allocate an array (using system call 9)
move $a0, $t2 # puts array size in register $a0

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
sll $a0, $a0, 3 # multiply array size by 4, as word in MIPS is 4 bytes

b allocate_array_end # branch unconditionally to the end of subprogram
li $v0, 4 # prints error saying that array size is less than or equal to zero
la $a0, allocate_array_invalid_p
b allocate_array_loop # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop
sw $v0, 0($t0) # store address of dynamic array in static variable (array_pointer)

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
sw $t2, 4($t1) # store size of dynamic array in static variable (array_size)

jr $ra # jump back to the main
# read_array subprogram
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer array and then
# prompts for integer and read integer for each array element (or index). This
# subprogram does not return anything as argument OUT.
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
read_array_prompt_p: .asciiz "Enter an integer: "
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about syntax, logic, and fix errors

move $t1, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t0, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
#To do: Think about logic and fix error

bge $t1, read_array_end # branch to read_array_end if counter is less than or equal to zero

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
li $v0, 5 # prompt array element
la $a0, read_array_prompt_p

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
li $v0, 4 # reads integer

#To do: Think about logic and syntax and fix errors
sw $a0, 4($t0) # memory[$t0 + 0] <-- $v0
# store a value that is in register $v0 into memory

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
addi $t0, $t0, 6 # increment array pointer (address) to next word (each word is 4 bytes)
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement array counter (index)
b read_array_loop # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop

#To do: Think about syntax, comments and fix errors

# sort_array subprogram
# *** *** <<<<<<
# *** DO NOT MODIFY this subprogram !!! *** <<<<<<
# *** *** <<<<<<
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer
# array and size and it iterates through array via two nested loops
# and sorts all elements of array (in-place sort). This subprogram
# does not return anything as argument OUT.
# Algorithm O(n^2) running time (highly inefficient, too slow):
# for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
# for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
# if (array[index] >= array[index + 1]) {
# swap(array[index], array[index + 1])
# }
# }
# }
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
# $t2 Holds (unmodified / original) array pointer (address)
# $t3 Holds inner-loop counter (count-down from array size to 0)
# $t4 Holds outer-loop counter (count-down from array size to 0)
# $t5
# $t6
# $t7
# $t8 temporarily
# $t9 temporarily
# save arguments so we do not lose them
move $t0, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t1, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # subtract one from array size
blez $t1, sort_array_end # if array size was originally 1 then array
# is already sorted
move $t2, $t0 # backup base address into register $t2
move $t3, $t1 # backup $t1 which is array size - 1 into $t3
move $t4, $t1 # backup $t1 which is array size - 1 into $t4
blez $t3, sort_array_loop1_end # if outer-looper counter <= 0 then stop outer-loop

blez $t4, sort_array_loop2_end # if inner-looper counter <= 0 then stop inner-loop
lw $t8, 0($t0) # $t8 <-- array[index]
lw $t9, 4($t0) # $t9 <-- array[index + 1]
ble $t8, $t9, sort_array_no_swap # if $t8 < $t9 then no need to swap in-place
sw $t9, 0($t0) # array[index] = $t9
sw $t8, 4($t0) # array[index] = $t8
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment base address by 4 (because integers are 4 bytes)
addi $t4, $t4, -1 # decrement inner-loop counter by 1
b sort_array_loop1 # branch unconditionally to the beginning of inner-loop
move $t0, $t2 # restore inner-loop counter to array size - 1
move $t4, $t1 # restore array address to first element of array or base address
addi $t3, $t3, -1 # decrement outer-loop counter by 1
b sort_array_loop2 # branch unconditionally to the beginning of outer-loop-loop
jr $ra # jump back to the main
# print_array subprogram
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer
# array and size and it iterates through array and prints all
# elements of array. This subprogram does not return anything
# as argument OUT.
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
print_array_array_p: .asciiz "Array: "
print_array_space_p: .asciiz " "
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about syntax and fix errors

move $t1, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t0, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
li $v0, 4 # prints array is:
la $a0, print_array_array_p
#To do: Think about logic and fix errors

blt $t9, print_array_end # branch to print_array_end if counter is less than or equal to zero
# print value from array
#To do: Think about logic, syntax, and fix errors

li $v0, 4
sw $a0, 0($t0) # $a0 <-- memory[$t0 + 0]
# load a value from memory to register $a0
li $v0, 4 # space character
la $a0, print_array_space_p
#To do: Think about logic and fix errors
addi $t0, $t0, 8 # increment array pointer (address) to next word (each word is 4 bytes)
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement array counter (index)

#To do: Think about logic, syntax, comments and fix errors
b print_array # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop

#To do: Think about syntax, comments, and fix errors

First, download the Lab05.s file as usual. This lab is fully written, including main and all other subprograms.

However, there are numerous errors scattered throughout the program, and your task is to locate each one and fix it. These range from syntax errors (errors that show up when you try to load the file into QtSpim) to logic errors (errors that either cause the program to crash at runtime, or causes the program to do the wrong thing.)

There are 23 total errors that you will need to locate and fix. Some helpful hints:

  1. It is suggested to look for the all of the syntax errors first.
  2. The subprogram sort_array has no errors in it at all. Do not fix anything in sort_array!
  3. All areas where there are errors are marked with a #To do comment.
  4. You may find it helpful to write comments where you made changes to keep track of what was changed and why.

Once you've fixed all the errors and run the program with some test input a few times, the lab can be submitted.


Expert Solution

Below is corrected code. It have 24 total errors(if you include last #halt). Let me know if you have any problem or doubt. Thank you.


# Lab 5 - Debugging
# Name:
# Date:
# Objective:
# The purpose of this lab assignment is to help you understand
# debugging processes in assembly language using debug tools
# provided by QtSpim
# Description:
# 1) Syntax, logic, and comment errors exist in:
# - main
# - print_array
# - read_array
# - allocate_array
# 2) Find and fix the syntax, logical, and comment errors
# *** Hint: Find all the "#To do" and fix bugs ***
# *** There are 23 total bugs to fix! ***
# 3) Test the code. If the code is working, submit to
# the Lab #5 dropbox on Canvas
# Note:
# sort_array subprogram is correct and has no bug, do not modify sort_array!
# Sample run:
# Enter size of the array to allocate (size > 0): 5
# Enter an integer: 4
# Enter an integer: 3
# Enter an integer: 2
# Enter an integer: 1
# Enter an integer: -5
# Array: 4 3 2 1 -5
# Array: -5 1 2 3 4
array_pointer_p: .word 0 # holds address of dynamic array (address)
array_size_p: .word 0 # hold size of dynamic array (value)

newline_p: .asciiz "\n"
# set up arguments for allocate_array subprogram
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of static variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of static variable array_size into register $a1
jal allocate_array # call subprogram allocate_array
# arguments IN: address of static variable "array_pointer" & "array_size"
# arguments OUT: NONE

# set up arguments for read_array subprogram
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
# fix 20: sub programs use value stored in array pointers not its addresses
# need to pass values stored by array pointer as arguments
# load the value stored in pointers
lw $a0, 0($a0)
lw $a1, 0($a1)
jal read_array # call subprogram read_array
# arguments IN: true address of dynamic array and array size value
# arguments OUT: NONE

# calling subprogram print_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
# fix 21: sub programs use value stored in array pointers not its addresses
# need to pass values stored by array pointer as arguments
# load the value stored in pointers
lw $a0, 0($a0)
lw $a1, 0($a1)
jal print_array # calling subprogram print_array

# print newline character
la $a0, newline_p # prints newline character
li $v0, 4
# calling subprogram sort_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
# fix 22: sub programs use value stored in array pointers not its addresses
# need to pass values stored by array pointer as arguments
# load the value stored in pointers
lw $a0, 0($a0)
lw $a1, 0($a1)
jal sort_array # calling subprogram sort_array

# calling subprogram print_array
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix error
la $a0, array_pointer_p # load the address of variable array_pointer into register $a0
la $a1, array_size_p # load the address of variable array_size into register $a1
# fix 23: sub programs use value stored in array pointers not its addresses
# need to pass values stored by array pointer as arguments
# load the value stored in pointers
lw $a0, 0($a0)
lw $a1, 0($a1)
jal print_array # calling subprogram print_array

# fix 24: use system call 10 to terminate program 4 is for printing string
li $v0, 10
syscall # Halt

# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size pointer (address)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array size pointer (address)
# $t2 Holds array size, temporarily
allocate_array_prompt_p: .asciiz "Enter size of the array to allocate (size > 0): "
allocate_array_invalid_p: .asciiz "Array size you entered is incorrect (size > 0)!\n"
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about the logic and syntax and fix errors

# fix 1: register are assigned wrong $t0 should hold array address and $t1 should hold size
move $t0, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t1, $a1 # move array size pointer (address) to $t1
li $v0, 4 # prompt for array size
la $a0, allocate_array_prompt_p
#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
# fix 2: syscall 5 should be used to read integer 6 is for floats
li $v0, 5 # reads integer for array size

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
# fix 3: should branch for lesss than or equal to zero not greater than or eqal to zero
blez $v0, allocate_array_invalid_size # branch to error section as array size is
# less than or equal to zero
move $t2, $v0 # store valid array size in register $t2

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
# fix 4: use syscall 9 instead of 5
li $v0, 9 # dynamically allocate an array (using system call 9)
move $a0, $t2 # puts array size in register $a0

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
# fix 5: should shift 2 bytes(not 3) to multyply number by 2^2 = 4
mul $a0, $a0, 4 # multiply array size by 4, as word in MIPS is 4 bytes

b allocate_array_end # branch unconditionally to the end of subprogram
li $v0, 4 # prints error saying that array size is less than or equal to zero
la $a0, allocate_array_invalid_p
b allocate_array_loop # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop
sw $v0, 0($t0) # store address of dynamic array in static variable (array_pointer)

#To do: Think about logic and fix error
# fix 6: size of array should be stored at $t1 not at the next word location
sw $t2, 0($t1) # store size of dynamic array in static variable (array_size)

jr $ra # jump back to the main
# read_array subprogram
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer array and then
# prompts for integer and read integer for each array element (or index). This
# subprogram does not return anything as argument OUT.
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
read_array_prompt_p: .asciiz "Enter an integer: "
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about syntax, logic, and fix errors

# fix 7: register are assigned wrong $t0 should hold array address and $t1 should hold size
move $t0, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t1, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
#To do: Think about logic and fix error

# fix 8: should branch if $t1 is less than or equal to zero(bge is invalid syntax)
blez $t1, read_array_end # branch to read_array_end if counter is less than or equal to zero

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
# fix 9: syscall 4 should be used to print string 5 is for integer reading
li $v0, 4 # prompt array element
la $a0, read_array_prompt_p

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
# fix 10: syscall 5 should be used to read integer, 4 is for printing string
li $v0, 5 # reads integer

#To do: Think about logic and syntax and fix errors
# fix 11: integer value returned in $v0 not in $a0
# use ofset 0 not 4, memory[$t0 + 0] should be used not memory[$t0 + 4]
sw $v0, 0($t0) # memory[$t0 + 0] <-- $v0
# store a value that is in register $v0 into memory

#To do: Think about syntax and fix error
# fix 12: increase address by 4 bytes not 6
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment array pointer (address) to next word (each word is 4 bytes)
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement array counter (index)
b read_array_loop # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop

#To do: Think about syntax, comments and fix errors
# fix 13: return to main
jr $ra

# sort_array subprogram
# *** *** <<<<<<
# *** DO NOT MODIFY this subprogram !!! *** <<<<<<
# *** *** <<<<<<
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer
# array and size and it iterates through array via two nested loops
# and sorts all elements of array (in-place sort). This subprogram
# does not return anything as argument OUT.
# Algorithm O(n^2) running time (highly inefficient, too slow):
# for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
# for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
# if (array[index] >= array[index + 1]) {
# swap(array[index], array[index + 1])
# }
# }
# }
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
# $t2 Holds (unmodified / original) array pointer (address)
# $t3 Holds inner-loop counter (count-down from array size to 0)
# $t4 Holds outer-loop counter (count-down from array size to 0)
# $t5
# $t6
# $t7
# $t8 temporarily
# $t9 temporarily
# save arguments so we do not lose them
move $t0, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t1, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # subtract one from array size
blez $t1, sort_array_end # if array size was originally 1 then array
# is already sorted
move $t2, $t0 # backup base address into register $t2
move $t3, $t1 # backup $t1 which is array size - 1 into $t3
move $t4, $t1 # backup $t1 which is array size - 1 into $t4
blez $t3, sort_array_loop1_end # if outer-looper counter <= 0 then stop outer-loop

blez $t4, sort_array_loop2_end # if inner-looper counter <= 0 then stop inner-loop
lw $t8, 0($t0) # $t8 <-- array[index]
lw $t9, 4($t0) # $t9 <-- array[index + 1]
ble $t8, $t9, sort_array_no_swap # if $t8 < $t9 then no need to swap in-place
sw $t9, 0($t0) # array[index] = $t9
sw $t8, 4($t0) # array[index] = $t8
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment base address by 4 (because integers are 4 bytes)
addi $t4, $t4, -1 # decrement inner-loop counter by 1
b sort_array_loop1 # branch unconditionally to the beginning of inner-loop
move $t0, $t2 # restore inner-loop counter to array size - 1
move $t4, $t1 # restore array address to first element of array or base address
addi $t3, $t3, -1 # decrement outer-loop counter by 1
b sort_array_loop2 # branch unconditionally to the beginning of outer-loop-loop
jr $ra # jump back to the main
# print_array subprogram
# Subprogram description:
# This subprogram will receive as argument IN address of integer
# array and size and it iterates through array and prints all
# elements of array. This subprogram does not return anything
# as argument OUT.
# Arguments IN and OUT of subprogram
# $a0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $a1 Holds array size (value)
# $a2
# $a3
# $v0
# $v1
# $sp
# $sp+4
# $sp+8
# $sp+12
# Register Usage
# $t0 Holds array pointer (address)
# $t1 Holds array index
print_array_array_p: .asciiz "Array: "
print_array_space_p: .asciiz " "
# save arguments so we do not lose them
#To do: Think about syntax and fix errors

# fix 14: register are assigned wrong $t0 should hold array address and $t1 should hold size
move $t0, $a0 # move array pointer (address) to $t0
move $t1, $a1 # move array size (value) to $t1
li $v0, 4 # prints array is:
la $a0, print_array_array_p
#To do: Think about logic and fix errors
# fix 15: should branch for less than or equal to zero (blt branch less than is invalid syntax)
# register with size value stored is $t1 not $t9
blez $t1, print_array_end # branch to print_array_end if counter is less than or equal to zero
# print value from array
#To do: Think about logic, syntax, and fix errors

# fix 16: syscall 1 is used to print integer, 4 is for string
# should load word from memory to print it (not store it to memory address)
li $v0, 1
lw $a0, 0($t0) # $a0 <-- memory[$t0 + 0]
# load a value from memory to register $a0
li $v0, 4 # space character
la $a0, print_array_space_p
#To do: Think about logic and fix errors
# fix 17: increase pointer to 4 bytes not 8
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # increment array pointer (address) to next word (each word is 4 bytes)
addi $t1, $t1, -1 # decrement array counter (index)

#To do: Think about logic, syntax, comments and fix errors
# fix 18: should branch at begining of loop not at start of subprogram
b print_array_while # branch unconditionally back to beginning of the loop

#To do: Think about syntax, comments, and fix errors
# fix 19: return to main
jr $ra


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Question Objective: The purpose of this lab is for you to become familiar with Python’s built-in text container -- class str -- and lists containing multiple strings. One of the advantages of the str class is that, to the programmer, strings in your code may be treated in a manner that is similar to how numbers are treated. Just like ints, floats, a string object (i.e., variable) may be initialized with a literal value or the contents of another string...
Question Objective: The purpose of this lab is for you to become familiar with Python’s built-in...
Question Objective: The purpose of this lab is for you to become familiar with Python’s built-in text container -- class str -- and lists containing multiple strings. One of the advantages of the str class is that, to the programmer, strings in your code may be treated in a manner that is similar to how numbers are treated. Just like ints, floats, a string object (i.e., variable) may be initialized with a literal value or the contents of another string...
What is the objective, goal, abstract, and purpose of Inertial lab in physics report. And what...
What is the objective, goal, abstract, and purpose of Inertial lab in physics report. And what would be the conclusion.
Objective The objective of this lab exercise will be for the student to gain experience conducting...
Objective The objective of this lab exercise will be for the student to gain experience conducting a wireless networking site survey. The objective is for each group to propose a wireless networking solution for a given space (such as a classroom, office rooms, home, etc.). Verify that you can establish link (by pinging) with another laptop in your network. (Also, you may demonstrate this by downloading the shared file on another computer in the same network). Required Each individual/group will...
What is purpose of an objective tree and how it is developed ? provide the objective...
What is purpose of an objective tree and how it is developed ? provide the objective tree for a portable Wireless EEG (Electroencephalogram) device that can be used for medical and non-medical applications.
Question Objective: The objective of this lab exercise is to give you practice in programming with...
Question Objective: The objective of this lab exercise is to give you practice in programming with one of Python’s most widely used “container” data types -- the List (commonly called an “Array” in most other programming languages). More specifically you will demonstrate how to: Declare list objects Access a list for storing (i.e., writing) into a cell (a.k.a., element or component) and retrieving (i.e., reading) a value from a list cell/element/component Iterate through a list looking for specific values using...
Basic Unix Commands Objective: The objective of this lab is to work with files of UNIX...
Basic Unix Commands Objective: The objective of this lab is to work with files of UNIX file system. Procedure: 1. OpenyourUnixshellandtrythesecommands: Ø Create a new file and add some text in it vcat > filename Ø View a file vcat /etc/passwd vmore /etc/passwd vmore filename Ø Copy file, making file2 vcp file1 file2 Ø Move/rename file1 as file2 vmv file1 file2 Ø Delete file1 as file2 vrm file //Deletefile //Double-checkfirst vrm -i file Ø Counts the lines, words, characters in...
Name: Date: Exp 1: Observations of Chemical Changes Lab Section: Data Tables: Part 1: Chemicals Well...
Name: Date: Exp 1: Observations of Chemical Changes Lab Section: Data Tables: Part 1: Chemicals Well No. Observations of the Reaction A. NaHCO3 + HCl B. HCl + BTB C. NH3 + BTB D. HCl + blue dye E. Blue dye + NaOCl with the 1 drop of HCl F. NaOCl + KI with 1 drop of starch G. KI + Pb(NO3)2 H. NaOH + phenolphthalein I. HCl + phenolphthalein J. NaOH + AgNO3 K. AgNO3 + NH3 after exposure...
Hands-on Lab: Air Resistance and Free Fall Name(s): Date: Please use a font color other than...
Hands-on Lab: Air Resistance and Free Fall Name(s): Date: Please use a font color other than black, red or green for your answers. Theory: for several centuries, it was believed that heavy objects fall to the earth at a faster rate than lighter ones. Galileo (1564-1642) performed experiments to show that this was not true. He showed that it was possible for light objects to fall at the same rate as their heavy counterparts. Please watch the following videos for...
Having some trouble with this Java Lab ( Objective: This lab is designed to create an...
Having some trouble with this Java Lab ( Objective: This lab is designed to create an array of variable length and insert unique numbers into it. The tasks in this lab include: Create and Initialize an integer array Create an add method to insert a unique number into the list Use the break command to exit a loop Create a toString method to display the elements of the array Task 1: Create a class called Array, which contains an integer...