
In: Electrical Engineering

ENG 259 - Technical Writing Newtown Creek Memo Assignment: Rhetorical Context: You are a petroleum engineer...

ENG 259 - Technical Writing Newtown Creek Memo Assignment: Rhetorical Context: You are a petroleum engineer working for Enviro-Clean, a company dedicated to cleaning up polluted waterways in urban areas. In March 2017, Enviro-Clean won an $8.5 million New York city contract bid to clean up Newtown Creek, a polluted waterway located on the border between Brooklyn and Queens. In April 2017, you were assigned to the position of Lead Project Manager responsible for overseeing the direction of Project Newtown Creek. In this role, you have been directing three teams of subordinates so that Enviro-Clean can begin the actual clean-up efforts, which the company’s Board of Directors hope will take place before or by September 2018. By October 2017, several months after taking on your project manager role, you have successfully been interacting with your three teams of subordinates. (There were some glitches here and there but, overall, your interaction with the teams has been effective and productive.) You are confident that the clean-up efforts can actually begin in July 2018. Under your supervision, Team A, comprised of other petroleum engineers and a few Human Resources staff members, has been able to subcontract Pure H20, a highly qualified wastewater treatment engineering firm to test and treat the polluted water in the waterway throughout the duration of the clean-up efforts. Team B, mostly Quality Assurance professionals and company attorneys, was able to secure all the required city and state permits necessary to build your clean up facilities on the creek. Team C, comprised of Enviro-Clean mechanical engineers and outside mechanical engineering consultants, was able to design and build the necessary equipment your company will need to perform the clean-up efforts. On October 31, 2017, during a project planning meeting, Susan Canalski, Senior VP of Project Planning, tells you that the Board of Directors will probably be requesting a detailed progress report from you in the coming weeks regarding Project Newtown Creek. In the meantime, she asks you to send her a short memo (less than one page) that gives her a preliminary update discussing what’s been accomplished thus far regarding Project Newtown Creek. Task: Write a clear, concise memo offering an update concerning what’s been accomplished thus far regarding Project Newtown Creek. As you write, consider the above rhetorical information, and decide what should be included and what should not be included. Make sure you are being comprehensive enough without being unnecessarily wordy. Make sure your dates and target audience reflect the rhetorical context. Consider the visual elements of the memo as well as the verbal and consider using bullets to highlight the most important information. Make sure the memo is easy to read and make sure you proofread, proofread, proofread.


Expert Solution

Date : 13.07.2016


The Team Members & Team B Incharge,

Project Newtown Creek,

Subject : Memo regarding Under Performance by Team B.

While reviewing the performance of the TEAM's A,B,C, it has been observed that you all working as a Team (Team B) have been under performers for quite sometime. As other two Team's (A & C) are doing good, your Team, which has potential Team members, but the final output does not reflect the correct report of the overall performance.

Through this Memo it is been advised that you all work more involved as a Team, keep yourself 's updated with the Project Timelines and draw attention to latest Notifications related to the Project. All the relavent information related to Project has always been shared by me every now & then, during official interactions.

This memo should be taken as an initial warning. Make sure to have a plan to become more cohesive Team, exerting from now onwards to meet the project timelines, before the projects anticipated start date in September 2017.

Also, Team B Incharge is directed to submit an action plan of the Team for the coming fortnight as how you plan to take on the activities & would monitor the activities to see that each member of Team performs 100 % of their abilities and assigned work closes to the set timelines.

Thank you.


Lead Project Manager

Project Newtown Creek

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