In: Anatomy and Physiology
LBeginning at the pinna and ending at the cochlea, list the structures involved in sound production and discuss their roles.
The ear is the main organ of hearing. It is divided into three parts beginninyfrom pinna and ending at the cochlea :
1. Outer ear : The outer ear consists of the pinna, ear canal
and the tympanic membrane (ear drum).
The pinna is the outermost part of ear which directs the sound
waves into the ear canal.
The ear canal directs the sound to tympanic membrane. It also
secretes earwax that helps protect ears from infections.
When the sound hits Tympanic membrane it vibrates. These vibrations
are passed on to the ear ossicles in the middle
2. middle ear : middle ear consists of the ear ossicles (maleus,
incus and stapes), eustachian tube and round and oval window. The
vibrations from the tympani membrane transfers to the malleus.
Malleus transfer them to incus and then the stapes. Stapes rest on
the oval window and causes it to vibrate.
The round window transfers the vibrations to inner ear and causes
the fluid within the inner ear to move. The eustachian tube
connects moddle ear yo nasopharynx and helps in pressure
equalization and mucus drainage.
3. Inner ear : consists of the vestiules, semicircular canal and
cochlea. Vestibules contains utricle and saccules that helps in
maintaining equilibrium. Vestibule also contains endolymph that
vibrates due to vibrations from inner ear. Endolymph passes these
vibrations to the cochlea. Cochlea contains hair cells within organ
of corti which moves due to vibration of tectorial membrane. As the
hair cells move they generate electrical impulses that travel upto
the auditory cortex within the brain through auditory nerve and
gives auditory information to the brain.