
In: Statistics and Probability

Researchers want to examine whether or not weight can predict systolic blood pressure. They collect weight...

Researchers want to examine whether or not weight can predict systolic blood pressure. They collect weight in pounds and blood pressure measurements for 31 adult men. For your convenience, I have prepared an Excel file with the data :

Weight Systolic Blood Pressure
162 134
163 149
167 128
168 129
173 128
173 118
174 133
175 138
184 143
184 147
185 144
218 137
186 149
188 137
235 138
189 150
189 128
194 153
195 154
196 120
196 154
177 159
207 134
209 160
211 162
211 143
212 164
217 166
182 167
220 168


Test the relationship between weight and systolic blood pressure at the α = 0.05 level. While doing the calculations, leave four decimal places as appropriate. Round your final answer to two decimal places.

How do you interpret this finding? For every one unit increase in weight, there is a corresponding ___________ ______________ in systolic blood pressure.

Based on this information, the researcher should make the decision to ___________.

What percentage of variance in systolic blood pressure is explained for by weight?

What is the value for the correlation between weight and systolic blood pressure?

What is the best predicted value for systolic blood pressure given that a man weighs 175 pounds?


Expert Solution

Here the dependent variable y = Systolic Blood Pressure

independent variable x = weight

To find the relationship between X and Y Goto Data in menu bar ---> Data Analysis ---> Regression

Now enter the weights column in X

and Systolic BP column data in Y.

select labels option and then click on Ok.

The results are displayed in new wor book.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.456
R Square 0.208
Adjusted R Square 0.181
Standard Error 13.308
Observations 31
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1347.582 1347.582 7.608485 0.009953
Residual 29 5136.354 177.1156
Total 30 6483.935
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 78.8608 24.1898 3.2601 0.0028 29.3872 128.3344
Weight 0.3453 0.1252 2.7583 0.0100 0.0893 0.6013

Slope coefficient b = 0.3453

For every one unit increase in weight, there is a corresponding 0.3453 unit increase in systolic blood pressure.

Based on this information, the researcher should make the decision to Reject H0 and conclude that there is a significant linear relation between X and Y.

What percentage of variance in systolic blood pressure is explained for by weight? = R2 = 0.208

20.8% of variance in systolic blood pressure is explained for by weight.

What is the value for the correlation between weight and systolic blood pressure?

Sqrt(R2) = 0.456

What is the best predicted value for systolic blood pressure given that a man weighs 175 pounds?

Y = 78.8608 + 0.3453 *X

for X = 175

Y = 78.8608 + 0.3453 *175 = 139.2883.

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