In: Operations Management
We all know how important it is to pre-test a questionnaire before it is “launched”. Who would be the ideal “respondent” to use for pre-testing a questionnaire?
Running to distribute a questionnaire before a pre test may often lead to unforeseen problems for the researcher. Passing the questionnaire before actual survey, can save a lot more time and headache and may result in an effective data collection. Using a pre test will ensure the researcher that the questions are well articulated, comprehensive, relevant and are mutually exclusive, so that there are no over lapping. The evaluation of the questionnaire can be done through following:
Expert driven pre test: The experts, who have a good knowledge of the survey matter, can be called upon to have a pre test. Another way is to approach to the expert in the field of survey methodology who will critically evaluate how to frame questions to extract the maximum possible results.
Respondent driven pre test: The survey is prepared for pilot testing on small number of respondents that will serve the sample size. It helps to get the feedback on the survey and the results can be articulated based on the expectations of the survey. This way the pre testers fit the requirements of demographics and culture that is to be surveyed later. This will serve the ideal respondent for the survey.