CRISPR is Clustered Regulatory Interspaced Short Palindromic
CRISPR associated –Protein 9 nuclease Caspase (Cas-9) is used as
a molecular tool for editing of genomes.
It acts in a similar manner as genetic engineering or
construction of GMO (genetically modified organism).
CRISPR/ Cas9 system has components that help in their gene
1. crRNA- guide RNA (g RNA) and
sequence recognizing trac rRNA
2. trac rRNA- in stem-loop structure,
bind (to be activated) to crRNA
3. Cas9-active form have nuclease,
nick formation, single strand/double strand breaks, editing.
4. sgRNA-single guide RNA-with
combination of other components
- The components may be introduced within the organism through
- The plasmid may be introduced by transfection or by direct
injections into the target cells.
- Also, some virus mediated vectors may be used or
- For transgenic organism creation for mutational related studies
like cancer mutations, knockout of the wild type genes is
- The recognition point in the target DNA is designated as the
PAM (Proto-spacer adjacent motif). The sequence is at the 3’ end of
the target sequence(about 20 nucleotides)
- The CAS-9 component recognizes the PAM sequence. CAS- 9 then
mediates unwinding or DNA and nick formation (nick is formed at
about 3 bp upstream of the PAM).
- The CAS-9 recognition is aided with crRNA.
- The gRNA thus, associated with the crRNA act as recognition
sequence, changing of which alters the recognition capabilities of
the CAS-9.
- For transgenic organism creation for mutational related studies
like cancer mutations, knockout of the wild type genes is
- The alteration of genome is caused by gene knockout resulting
in loss of function of genes.
- The target genes are eliminated or inactivated.
- Thus, CRISPR causes a permanent effect as gene “Knock out” is