In: Anatomy and Physiology
Cranial nerves are 12 pair of nerves which emerges from the base of brain and supplies both sensory and motor to the face mainly. Also aids in the special senses like hear, vision, smell & taste.
As per name we can separate nerves which are responsible for the special senses.
For smell, it is olfactory nerve.
For vision its optic nerve. But for the muscles ( motor fuction) is supplied by three nerves namely occulomotor, trachlear & abducent.
For hearing, is is vestibulocochlear nerve.
Sense of gustation means 'taste'.
a) Vestibulococlear nerve is the eighth cranial nerve. Its two main functions are hearing & the balance function.
It control the eye & head movement through the semicircular canals in the inner ear.
b) Occulomotor is the third cranial nerve and it is a motor nerve which supplies the intra & extra occular muscles. ( except for superior oblique & lateral rectus) and so it controls the eye ball movements.
c) Trigeminal is the fifth & largest cranial nerve having both sensory and motor function. It provides sensation to the most part of the face and motor supplies to muscles of mastication.
d) Facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve and it has both sensory & motor innervation. It supplies the muscles of facial expression.
On sensory part it responsible for the taste from anterior two third part of tongue & palate.
e) Glossopharyngeal nerve 10th cranial nerve provides sensory supplies to the posterior one third part of the tongue.
f) Hypoglossal is the twelth cranial nerve and it supplies the muscles of tongue.
g) Abducent nerve is sixth cranial nerve and it provides motor suppy to the only muscle lateral rectus.
Conclusion :
Sense of taste is received from the TASTE BUDS which present in the tongue. The tongue is supplied by four cranial nerves.
Hypoglossal is supplies the muscles and three nerves took part in the sensation of tongue.
*Anterior two third is carried by facial nerve
*Posterior one third is carried out by glossopharyngeal nerve and
* Deep posterior of tongue sensation is carried by vagus nerve.