In: Accounting
Your company is evaluating the option of renting some of its computing services from a cloud provider. After many discussions, your company is considering renting only the accounting module. Your supervisor has asked you to develop, as soon as possible, a short document about how this type of service is provided by a cloud computing provider and the necessary steps that should be taken to implement this service. (Q6.4, 6.5)
Your report to your supervisor would include:
1. The problems with and opportunities for cloud migration
2. The risk associated with using a cloud accounting system
3. How important is the reliability of the service provider (for example
4. Issues associated with cloud service interruption
Migrating into cloud is considered a project and like all IT technologies should go through all phases of systems development life cycle.
Possible benefits of a cloud migration:-
2)The world of cloud accounting is not without risk. These solutions are new and require that you perform the necessary due diligence to determine if the solution is right for your business. Here are a few of the risks:
3) On the whole, from a security and relability standpoint, this is usually a good thing. Amazon, like most other major cloud providers, has invested in both resources and very taledted security engineers to ensure that its infrastructure is well protected and resileint. without a doubt, it does a better job at providing security than most of their customers would be able to do on their own.
But nobody's is perfect, and when you've got thousands of customers all relying on a single service provider and something does go wrong, it's nolonger a small isolatd incident.
So does cloud computing make the internet more secure and reliable? Yes and no. The individual customers of Amazon Web Services is probably less likely to get compromised or experience outages than they were when they were handling those issues on their own. That means fewer small-scale security and reliability problems affecting individual businesses and being handled by relative amateurs.
4) When it comes to cloud computing, users and providers alike are still exploring the unforeseen while adapting to these new infrastures. Inevitably, issues with downtime and unexpected outages will occur. Even the biggest and best cloud companies have seen their best-laid plans go to waste as teir services go dark for hous at a time. Even during a beta period, a cloud sevice can suffer an unexpected outage