
In: Operations Management

How have you applied what you’ve learned so far (Company Analysis, Industry Analysis, Targeting and Segmentation...

How have you applied what you’ve learned so far (Company Analysis, Industry Analysis, Targeting and Segmentation or information from other courses/experiences) that helped guide your new product decision?
• What 3 actions can you take to further develop your Undergraduate Competency: Curiosity & Imagination in this class and others? Be specific. in your own words


Expert Solution

It is important for an investor who wants to invest in a company.
Steps of company analysis-
Measuring Earning- Based on two types of information
Internal information like data and events by the operation.

  • Income statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Statements of cash flow

External information generated outside the company.

  • Rating agencies report
  • Economic survey

Asset productivity and earning- Firm invest capital in assets and then these assets used by the company to generate income.

  • EBIT-Earning Before Income and Taxes
  • EBT- Earning Before Taxes
  • EAT- Earning After Tax
  • DPS- Dividend Per Share
  • Return on Assets.

Debt financing and earning-

  • The productivity of funds is called return on assets(R)
  • Effective Rate of Interest(I)= Interest Expense/total liability
  • Benefits Of Borrowed Money=(R-I)


Forcast is not only the expected return but also the Expected risk of an investment. This can be achieved by

  • Regression Analysis
  • Trend analysis
  • Decision Tree analysis

It helps to make us aware of the market performance
Identify investment opportunity

  • Data requirement-
  • Product line
  • Complementary product
  • Product growth
  • Product pattern
  • Economies of scales
  • Suppliers
  • Labor market
  • Buyer and their behavior
  • Substitute product

Tools for analyzing

  • Cross-sectional industry performance
  • Industry performance overtime
  • The difference in industry risks
  • SWOT Analysis


  • Analysing Employment Data
  • Analysis of Emolument data
  • Input / Output Analysis.


Include a set of buyer who has common needs served by a company. Below steps needed to set the target-

  • Develop a measure of segment attractiveness
  • Select target segments
  • Evaluate market segments


  • Undifferentiated
  • Differentiated
  • Concentrated(niche)

According to the need to divide the market into different parts, who might require different products. It consists of steps-

  • Identify a basis for segmentation
  • Develop a segment profile

Types of segmentation

  • Geographical(different countries)
  • Demographical( age, gender, family size,occupation)
  • Psychographic(lifestyle,social class)
  • Behavioral(occasion, status, loyalty)


  • Immerse yourself deep into a particular effort to explore it deeply.
  • Invest in training and tools which keep your curiosity alive.
  • Examine your own assumptions, belief, or convictions.

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