
In: Computer Science

create a python program You are assigned to implement the following baggage-check-in system at the airport....

create a python program

You are assigned to implement the following baggage-check-in system at the airport.

The system keeps track of data for the following information: passenger, bags, and tickets.

The program must maintain passenger details like name, address, phone number, and the number of bags. Each passenger can have multiple bags and each bag has length, width, height, and weight. The passenger also has a ticket. The tickets are of two types, either a first-class ticket or an economy-ticket. The maximum weight allowed for a first-class ticket is 40 Kilos and the maximum weight allowed for an economy-ticket is 30 Kilos. The program must display all the details of the passenger, ticket, and number of bags and allowed weight. If the weight exceeds that of the respective ticket class, then the program will give appropriate message to indicate that the passenger cannot travel. Your program must throw an exception to indicate the failure.


  • Implement the following functions:
    1. checkOverweigth() # Given the ticket number, check if the total weight of all bags exceeds limit
    2. checkPassengerClass() # Given the ticket number, the class of the ticket is given
    3. displayPassengerDetails() # Given the ticket number, display all check-in details of a passenger
  • Student is required to identify classes, related attributes, and behaviors. Students are free to add as many attributes as required. The appropriate access modifiers (private, public, or protected) must be used while implementing class relationships. Proper documentation of code is mandatory.
  • Student must also test the code, by creating at-least three objects. All classes must have a display function, and the program must have functionality to print current state of the objects.


Expert Solution


''' class bags having the attributes as

given here below.. length width, and height

as given below... we fill all the heights

weights as below'''

class bags:


    def __init__(self,l1,wd1,h1,w1):






'''we have the check_in_system class as given below

code .. we have all the attributes as

we take the constructors and the varioud

function.s we calculate_weight_of_all as extra

member function...'''

class check_in_system:


    #constructors for assigning all the values to the attributes..

    def __init__(self,n1,t1,ad1,nos,bags_no):









    def calculate_weight_of_all(self):



        '''enter the weight of all the bags alogn with length wi....

        and then we take the each obj of bags type and then we

        add all the weights'''

        print("enter the length width,height & weight of each bags")

        for i in range(self.no_of_bags):






            list.append( bags(l1,wd1,h1,w1) )


        for obj in list:



        #we get the total and return

        return total


    #this is used to checkPassengerClass from the ticket_no..        

    def checkPassengerClass(self,ticket_no):


        '''this is just anymously taken as if the ticket_no > 61345 then we think it as first_class.. and

        else display_passenger_details'''

        if ticket_no > 61345:







        return Pclass1    


    '''we check for checkOverWeight using this function here..

    we have this as we count all the weights and then we

    use the Pclass1 as economy_class and assing as given code..'''

    def checkOverWeight(self,ticket_no):







                return True


                return False



                return True


                return False



    def display_passenger_details(self,ticket_no):





            print("cant traver checkOverWeight exception occured")




            print("name is ",

            print("address is: ",self.address)

            print("phone_no :",self.phone_no)


            print("total_weight is:",self.total_weight1)

            print("class of the passenger is: ",self.Pclass)



def main():

    #object 1 and 2 and 3 are below:


    air1= check_in_system("newton",23435,"big city newyork",56545444,1)










if __name__ =="__main__":





















enter the length width,height & weight of each bags

name is newton

address is: big city newyork

phone_no : 56545444

no_of_bags 1

total_weight is: 23.0

class of the passenger is: economy_class

enter the length width,height & weight of each bags

cant traver checkOverWeight exception occured

enter the length width,height & weight of each bags

name is sljf

address is: ldkjfdklf

phone_no : 344545567

no_of_bags 1

total_weight is: 15.0

class of the passenger is: first_class

Note: in case of nay query please ask in comment

Thank you

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