
In: Computer Science

Please solve the following problem for MATLAB Write a user-defined function (name it F to C)...

Please solve the following problem for MATLAB

Write a user-defined function (name it F to C) that converts temperature in degrees F to temperature in degrees C. Use the function to solve the following problem. The change in the length of an object, ∆L, due to a change in the temperature, ∆T, is given by: ∆L = αL∆T, where a is the coefficient of thermal expansion. Determine the change in the area of a rectangular(4.5 m by 2.25m) aluminum (α=23·10-61/˚C) plate if the temperature changes from 40 ˚F to 92 ˚F.


Expert Solution

Code to copy along with screenshots of code and output are provided.

Please make sure to save the code in matlab script file before executing,
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Screenshots of Code :

Screenshots of Output :

Code to copy:

%to clear the output screen

% initial temperature as given in question
initial_temp = 40;
% final temperature as given in question
final_temp = 92;

% initial area of rectangular aluminium plate as given in question
initial_Area = 4.5*2.25;

% converting initial T to Celcius using our F_to_C() function
initial_temp_in_C = F_to_C(initial_temp);

% converting final T to Celcius using our F_to_C() function
final_temp_in_C = F_to_C(final_temp);

% calculating the difference in temperatures
change_in_temp = final_temp_in_C - initial_temp_in_C;

% calculating coefficient of thermal expansion
a_coeff = 23 * (10^(-6));

% caculating change in area with the formula :
% change_in_area = 2*a*A*dT
% where a = coefficient of thermal expansion
% A = initial Area
% dT = difference in temperature
change_in_area = 2 * a_coeff * initial_Area * change_in_temp;

% diplaying result
disp("Change in area = "+ change_in_area );

% function to convert Fahrenheit to Celcius
function cel = F_to_C(fahr)
cel = (5/9)*(fahr-32);



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