
In: Computer Science

Please write this program in C++ Write a program that           - a user-defined class Cuboid...

Please write this program in C++

Write a program that

          - a user-defined class Cuboid which has the following elements:

                   - default constructor (has no parameters)

                   - constructor that has 3 parameters (height, length, width)

                   - data members

                             - height, length, width

                   - member functions

                             - to set the value of each of the data members - 3 functions

                             - to get the value of each of the data members - 3 functions

                             - one that returns the volume

                             - one that returns the surface area

                             - one that increases each dimension by a specified factor

                   (Function definitions outside of the class!!!)

          - in main()

                   - instantiate a Cuboid object and initialize at the time of definition

                             - make sure the constructor with parameters is called

                      - define an array of 2 Cuboid objects

                      - using a loop get information to populate the 2 objects in the array

                               -prompt for the height, length, and width

                                -prompt for a size by which to increase each dimension(one input)

      -call a global function passing a Cuboid object and the increase factor as separate arguments; function will call the class member function to increase the dimensions; parameters of the function should be references

                  -display the dimensions, the volume, and the surface area for each of the three objects.




Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//declaring class

class Cuboid {


       Cuboid() {}

       Cuboid(float height, float length, float width) {
           this -> height = height;
           this -> length = length;
           this -> width = width;

       float getHeight();
       void setHeight(float height);
       float getLength();
       void setLength(float length);
       float getWidth();
       void setWidth(float width);
       float getVolume();
       float getSurfaceArea();
       void increaseDimension(float factor);

       float height, length, width;


//defining member functions

float Cuboid::getHeight() {
   return this -> height;

void Cuboid::setHeight(float height) {
   this -> height = height;

float Cuboid::getLength() {
   return this -> length;

void Cuboid::setLength(float length) {
   this -> length = length;

float Cuboid::getWidth() {
   return this -> width;

void Cuboid::setWidth(float width) {
   this -> width = width;

float Cuboid::getVolume() {
   return (height*length*width);

float Cuboid::getSurfaceArea() {
   return 2*((length*height) + (height*width) + (length*width));

void Cuboid::increaseDimension(float factor) {
   this -> height = this -> height + factor;
   this -> length = this -> length + factor;
   this -> width = this -> width + factor;

//Global function to increase dimension by a common factor
void increaseDimensionByFactor(Cuboid &c, float &factor) {
   c.increaseDimension(factor);   //calls class member function

int main() {

   //initiating the first cuboid object with parameterized constructor
   Cuboid c0 = Cuboid(5.1, 6.2, 7.3);

   //printing details for c0
   cout << "Height for c0 : " << c0.getHeight() << "\n";
   cout << "Length for c0 : " << c0.getLength() << "\n";
   cout << "Width for c0 : " << c0.getWidth() << "\n";
   cout << "Volume for c0 : " << c0.getVolume() << "\n";
   cout << "Surface Area for c0 : " << c0.getSurfaceArea() << "\n";

   //defining an array of two Cuboid objects
   Cuboid cuboids[2];
   float height, length, width, increaseFactor;

   //taking input and initializing
   for(int i=0; i < sizeof(cuboids)/sizeof(*cuboids); i++) {
       cout << "Enter height of Cuboid " << i + 1 << " : ";
       cin >> height;

       cout << "Enter length of Cuboid " << i + 1 << " : ";
       cin >> length;

       cout << "Enter width of Cuboid " << i + 1 << " : ";
       cin >> width;

       cout << "Enter size by which to increase each dimension of Cuboid " << i + 1 << " : ";
       cin >> increaseFactor;

       cuboids[i] = Cuboid(height, length, width);

       //increasing dimension by factor
       increaseDimensionByFactor(cuboids[i], increaseFactor);

       //printing details
       cout << "Height for c" << i + 1 << " : " << cuboids[i].getHeight() << "\n";
       cout << "Length for c" << i + 1 << " : " << cuboids[i].getLength() << "\n";
       cout << "Width for c" << i + 1 << " : " << cuboids[i].getWidth() << "\n";
       cout << "Volume for c" << i + 1 << " : " << cuboids[i].getVolume() << "\n";
       cout << "Surface Area for c" << i + 1 << " : " << cuboids[i].getSurfaceArea() << "\n";

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