
In: Computer Science

Please code in c# (C-Sharp) Write a program that will ask the user for their name....

Please code in c# (C-Sharp)

Write a program that will ask the user for their name. If the user does not input anything, display a

warning before continuing. The program will then ask the user whether they want to have an addition,

subtraction, multiplication, or division problem. Once the user indicates their choice, the program will

display 2 randomly generated numbers from 1 to 9 in a math problem matching the user’s choice.

Example: user selects addition, the equation presented is:

(random number from 1 to 9) + (random number from 1 to 9)

The user will then input an answer as a whole number. If the answer they entered is not a whole

number, tell the user their input is invalid and end the program. If the input is valid, check to see if it is

the correct answer. If correct, congratulate the user by name. If incorrect, output the correct answer.


1) The program needs to contain the following


A comment header containing your name and a brief description of the program

b. At least 5 comments besides the comment header explaining what your code does


A string variable that captures the user’s name

d. A way to validate user input to determine if they entered an empty string

i. Warn the user if they enter an empty string

ii. Continue the program after warning the user

e. A prompt for what type of quiz the user wants


Display of a quiz matching the type the user requested


A prompt for an answer in the form of a whole number

i. A message if the user enters an invalid number

1. Do not check the user’s answer if their input is invalid

ii. If input is valid:

1. Check the answer

2. If the answer is correct, congratulate the user by name

3. If incorrect, output the correct answer

h. “Press enter to continue” and Console.ReadLine(); at the end of your code

i. Note: if you write a try-catch statement, these lines will be after your last catch

2) Upload a completed .cs file onto the Assignment 4 submission folder and a word document

containing the following six (6) screenshots:


The warning displayed when the user enters a blank value for the name

b. One test run for each equation with valid input

i. Answer 2 quizzes correctly

ii. Answer 2 quizzes incorrectly


One test run with invalid input


Expert Solution


using System;

public class Test
public static void Main()

//Declare Variables
string name,answer_string,option_string;
Random random_generator = new Random();
int option_integer=0,a,b,answer_integer=0;

//Input Name
Console.Write("Enter your name: ");
name = Console.ReadLine();

//Show warning if name is left empty

Console.WriteLine("\nWarning: No name provided.");

//Give options
Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 for addition");
Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 for subtraction");
Console.WriteLine("Enter 3 for multiplication");
Console.WriteLine("Enter 4 for division");

//Use try catch to check for integers

option_string = Console.ReadLine();
option_integer = Int32.Parse(option_string);
catch (FormatException e)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Format");

if(option_integer == 1) //Addition is selected
//generate the two random numbers

Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1}",a,b); //Print out the equation
//Give warning to user to input only Whole Numbers
Console.WriteLine("Please ONLY enter whole number as the answer");
Console.WriteLine("Do not round off, just write the whole number part of your answer");

//Check for whole number using try catch
catch (FormatException e)
//Print the error message and exit the program
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Format");

//if input is correct, check the answer
Console.WriteLine("Congrats {0}. Your answer is correct!",name);

Console.WriteLine("Wrong Answer. The correct answer is {0}.",(a+b));


if(option_integer == 2) //Subtraction is selected
//generate the two random numbers

//check for the larger number. This is useful in subtraction mostly and also slightly for division
int temp=a;

Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}",a,b); //Print out the equation
//Give warning to user to input only Whole Numbers
Console.WriteLine("Please ONLY enter whole number as the answer");
Console.WriteLine("Do not round off, just write the whole number part of your answer");

//Check for whole number using try catch
catch (FormatException e)
//Print the error message and exit the program
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Format");

//if input is correct, check the answer
Console.WriteLine("Congrats {0}. Your answer is correct!",name);

Console.WriteLine("Wrong Answer. The correct answer is {0}.",(a-b));


if(option_integer == 3) //Multiplication is selected
//generate the two random numbers

Console.WriteLine("{0} * {1}",a,b); //Print out the equation
//Give warning to user to input only Whole Numbers
Console.WriteLine("Please ONLY enter whole number as the answer");
Console.WriteLine("Do not round off, just write the whole number part of your answer");

//Check for whole number using try catch
catch (FormatException e)
//Print the error message and exit the program
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Format");

//if input is correct, check the answer
Console.WriteLine("Congrats {0}. Your answer is correct!",name);

Console.WriteLine("Wrong Answer. The correct answer is {0}.",(a*b));


if(option_integer == 4) //Division is selected
//generate the two random numbers

//check for the larger number. This is useful in subtraction mostly and also slightly for division
int temp=a;

b=1; //since we can not divide by 0, we handle this by making it 1

Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1}",a,b); //Print out the equation
//Give warning to user to input only Whole Numbers
Console.WriteLine("Please ONLY enter whole number as the answer");
Console.WriteLine("Do not round off, just write the whole number part of your answer");

//Check for whole number using try catch
catch (FormatException e)
//Print the error message and exit the program
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Format");

//if input is correct, check the answer
Console.WriteLine("Congrats {0}. Your answer is correct!",name);

Console.WriteLine("Wrong Answer. The correct answer is {0}.",(a/b));


if(option_integer < 1)//Invalid Option
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option");

if(option_integer > 4)//Invalid Option
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option");

Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue");


//Screenshots of the code:

//Screenshot of blank value:

//Screenshots of correct answers:

//Screenshots of incorrect answers:

//Screenshots of invalid input:

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