In: Operations Management
Chapter 12 discusses and dissects an RFP (Request for Proposal). Once an organization decides to outsource project work, parties are frequently responsible for developing a Request for Proposal. This can be done from either the perspective of the company offering the work or the company “fighting” for the bid.
A request for proposal couldne described as the document that is oftej made through a bidding process by any company or agency which is interested for the procuremenr of any serviec, commodity or valuable asset to the potential suppliers for submitting the business proposals.
It true that that the primary purpose of having an RFP is to transmit the understanding of the your requiremenrs for a project to the suppliers who you believe that they can provide you with the best solutions. This could be termed as a written document that both your supplier and you can use to establish the right undertanding of the requirements , which thereby becomes the project's baseline.
Thus, we you are offering or outsourcing the work to another company, you often request the RFP because of the fact that you want to know what are the supplies and the purchase offers that the outsourced company is providing to you. How will it manage the activities you are outsourcing.