
In: Psychology

Exercise 3 - Listening Styles In your text, you learned that Geier and Downey (1980) believe...

Exercise 3 - Listening Styles

In your text, you learned that Geier and Downey (1980) believe that there are six styles of listening: leisure, inclusive, stylistic, technical, empathic, and nonconforming. Each style of listener "hears" only communications that are consistent with his/her style. The purpose of this exercise is to provide you with an opportunity to practice communicating in different ways to different types of listeners.

For each of the situations below, indicate how you would speak to each of the six styles of listener.

Situation 1: You are a supervisor and need to tell an employee that his productivity has recently been low and he needs to improve or risk losing his job.

Listening Style

Your Response







Situation 2: You are an employee and need to tell your supervisor that you have been working too much overtime and need some time off.

Listening Style

Your Response








Expert Solution

recognising the listening styles of the people you are communicating to is an important factor which can enhance the communication with any person. listening styles act as a communication filter. Geier and Downey (1980) developed a a test called Attitudinal Listening Profile as a measuremenyt of listening. as per the theory there are 6 styles of listening.

  1. Leisure- this includes the listeners who only focus on the interesting information.
  2. Inclusive- this includes the listeners who care only about the main information in listening
  3. Stylistic- this involves listeners who focus on the speaking tone and style.
  4. Technical- liteners include people who focus on the facts and details
  5. Empathetic- such listeners always care about the feelings of the speaker
  6. Non- conforming- they only attend to the information which goes with his/ her own thoughts and beliefs.

Situation 1: You are a supervisor and need to tell an employee that his productivity has recently been low and he needs to improve or risk losing his job.

  1. Leisure- I would say that I can see that your way of working has changed and it has been effecting the company. if this cotinues i fear you might loose your job.
  2. Inclusive- I would say that I will bring to your notice that your job is at risk because the company feels you are not working properly.
  3. Stylistic- I would talk ton him a stiff and a strict tone and expression and would say I would suggest you to pay attention to the way you have been working or else we will have to reconsider your joining.
  4. Technical- I would bring to his notice some incidents when it was observed that his work was not appropriate and then would say that I think you need to change your routine of working otherwise you might risk your job.  
  5. Empathetic- I would develop a soft and sad toen and would rather tell that because he is not working propery my job might be at risk. the statement could be that I have been told by my superiors that after observing your work they feel that its not upto the mark. also they have pointed out that I might be responsible for that and hence might lose my job because of this alongwith you. please pay attention to yourr work and try improving on it.
  6. Non- conforming- Although i beieve that you are giving in your best to the job but it is also felt that your efforts are decreasing a bit and this is not good for you as well as the company. In my opinion you need to focus on this as the superiors are ibspecting your work critically and you may be at risk.

Situation 2: You are an employee and need to tell your supervisor that you have been working too much overtime and need some time off.

  1. Leisure- I would say that I have been working alot. I have also worked in overtime shifts. Now I feel that my productivity would be effected because my body is over exhausted. so I would request you to give me some leaves.
  2. Inclusive- I would say that I have been working a lot for the companys good. and now I want some leaves for the benefit of the company as well as to take care of my health as I have been working after my shifts and am exhausted due to which I am not able to work properly.
  3. Stylistic- I would talk to him in a soft and exhausted tone and expression and would say that I would want to request you for some leaves as I am exhausted because the overtime I have been doing since a long time.
  4. Technical- I would bring to his notice some incidents when it was observed that I have been working after my shifts and have worked a lot and then would say that I need some leaves as I need to tae rest and relax my body from all the stress so as to work effectively there after.  
  5. Empathetic- I would develop a soft and sad tone and would tell him that I have been working a lot due to which my body has become stressed and my work is sufferin. It would be great if he can grant me some leaves so that I can relax my body and return back to work in an efficient way.
  6. Non- conforming- I understand that this is the time when we have a lot of work but I would request you to give me some days off as I have been working overtime from a lot of days and am not able to work effectively because of exhaustion. i hope you would understand that it is important for my healtha as well as for the companys efficiency. please grant me the leaves.

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