
In: Computer Science

I need the c# code for the below assignment. Complete PigLatin program in Windows Forms GUI....

I need the c# code for the below assignment.

Complete PigLatin program in Windows Forms GUI. Zip the solution project file and attach to this submission. Do this in the GUI format (Windows Form). Be sure and add a Clear Button to reset for entering another word or words.


Basic Steps in Creating your Program

  1. Create your user interface (GUI). Use different font styles but don’t overdo it, Use colors, and Use graphics (You can find all kinds of graphics for the images pizzas). Add the controls you will use for your program. You could use picture boxes, buttons, labels, combo box, radio buttons, option box and any other controls that might help in the presentation of GUI. The book has an example of what the GUI could look like, but be creative and make your own GUI.
  2. Set the names of all controls. (for example, if you have a list box or label it could be txtNumber). Follow the naming convention (camel casing) for naming controls.
  3. Now you are ready to write the code that will be executed by events at run time. You will probably have a button or other picture box control that you will click on at runtime. Double Click it and you will be taken to the code window where you can write code inside of the control code event handler.
  4. Run and debug your program, making sure all parts work correctly. Consider data validation for the input information. As you advance to more complicated programs you will be given various ideas on validating input.
  5. Remember to document your code with comments included in your code statements in the code window.

Your program assignment

Pig Latin is a nonsense language. To create a word in pig Latin, you remove the first letter and then add the first letter and “ay” at the end of the ford. For example, “dog” becomes “ogday” and “cat” becomes “atcay”. Write a program named PigLatin that allows the user to enter a word and display’s the pig Latin version.

For words which begin with vowel sounds or silent letter, one just adds "yay" to the end. Examples are:

  • "eat" → "eatyay"
  • "omelet" → "omeletyay"
  • "are" → "areyay"

Another less common way some speakers may use a different ending for words starting with vowels is adding "way" (or "wa") to the end. Examples are:

  • "egg" → "eggway"
  • "inbox" → "inboxway"
  • "eight" → "eightway"

You could use the split command to enter more than one word. Indicating delimiters

char[] delimiterChars = { ' ', ',', '.', ':', ';', '\t' };

string[] words = text.Split(delimiterChars);


Expert Solution

Below is the solution:


using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace PigLatinConvert
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string eng = Convert.ToString(txtWord.Text); //entered text is store in english variable
                string pl = ""; //set tle pl string variable to blank/null
                string fl; //declare the fl variable for first letter of the given word take
                string restWord; //take the fl variable for remaining letter not included the first letter
                string vowels = "AEIOUaeiou"; //vowel string
                int lp; //variable lp for letter position
                //char[] delimiterChars = { ' ', ',', '.', ':', ';', '\t' };
                //string[] words = eng.Split(delimiterChars);
                foreach (string word in eng.Split())
                    fl = word.Substring(0, 1); //take the first letter of input word
                    restWord = word.Substring(1, word.Length - 1); // take the remaing letter not included first letter
                    lp = vowels.IndexOf(fl);
                    if (lp == -1)
                        //it's a consonant
                        pl = eng +" of Pig Latin word is: "+restWord + fl + "yay";
                        //it's a vowel
                        pl = eng + " of Pig Latin word is: " +word + "way";
                    lblPigLatin.Text = pl .ToString(); //display the letter in lblPigLatin label

sample output:

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