
In: Psychology

4. What is required in order for a person to become hypnotized? (hint: think about personality...

4. What is required in order for a person to become hypnotized? (hint: think about personality characteristics) (2 points)


Expert Solution

Getting hypnotized means opening the doors of
our conscious mind and critical filters for
incoming information so that it can directly
access our subconscious mind to get or put the
information. In simple language, listening and
accepting the suggestions without judging or
being critical towards them. And the other way
round also, ie sharing the thing which comes
from your SCM to the therapist without
reframing them or altering them out of deep
fear of being judged.
Now why and when it is used..
1. Marketing, ad agencies, politicians,
public speakers, movies etc use the
techniques of crossing the CM and CF
to access SCM for different purposes
and they keep hypnotizing us every
now and then during the day, and it
happens so naturally that we don't
even notice it and our decisions,
thought process and emotions get
impacted out of this.

2. For the purpose of entertainment. -
Stage hypnotists does that , you can
find lot of such videos on internet.
3. For Therapeutic purposes. - There are
thousands of psychological, emotional,
psychosomatic, existential and
spiritual issues which can be healed
with hypnotherapy by accessing
someone's SCM. (Understand the
difference between hypnotist and
Normally people mix up trance and hypnosis
and think that both are same but a hypnotized
person is not necessarly should be in trance.
Hypnotherapists use trance as a tool to get
better and clearer accessibility of SCM with
some added advantages.

No, hypnosis cannot alter a person's
personality. Hypnotherapy has been so
incredibly feared and very misunderstood. Using
hypnotherapy to achieve one's goal is nothing
more than visualization during a relaxed state of
mind in order for the vision to sink deeply into
the subconscious mind. When you see stage
performances with people acting ridiculous it is
because the hypnotherapist has been trained to
find the individual that is more than willing to do
whatever the therapist wants them to do.
Wisdom and discernment must be used when
choosing someone that you will allow to help
you paint your vision with words in order to
create this deep "experience" and desire to
obtain your goal.

One can change one's personality without the
aid of using hypnosis to enter a trance deeper
than one's mind achieves on a natural process
or meditation.
Engaging with a hypnosis practitioner to change
personality traits will speed up the process by
93%. However, I hasten to add like all
professions hypnotherapists are not created
equal. The majority of hypnosis practitioners
are trained only to conduct hypnotic
suggestions, which effect change from one
week to 18 months. Hypnotic suggestions
simply layer the trait in the unconscious mind
with a suggestion for the trait versus a
For permanent change a thorough process of
identifying the root cause of the current
personality trait and transforming it to the
preferred trait.

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