1. What are the four types of hazards commonly associated with
the workplace?
2. What is the role of the occupational nurse?
3. What are the components of the epidemiologic triad?
4. What are the steps of a root cause analysis?
1-What are the major advantages and disadvantages of each of the
four types of auditing careers? internal revenue
agent, Certified Public Accountants,
internal auditing, government accountability
2. What do you think is the best early career choice for the
classmate interested in ultimately becoming a certified fraud
Resistance to change is a normal everyday aspect in the
workplace. Note what happens to the organizational climate when
this resistance occurs and any tactics to reduce negative
connotations when dealing with change. Your response should be
250-300 words.
What are the four major external threats facing Chipotle and the
four major opportunities? Realizing the importance of
quantification in stating key factors, how could your factors be
quantified? Identify specific estimates (numbers) for your factors.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
What two types of bio molecules (of the four major classes) show
oxidative damage when exposed to the combination of metformin and
dichloroacetate when treating breast cancer cells?
1. Use the dimensions of warmth and control to describe the four
major types of parenting. Which style seems to promote the best
development in children? Explain
2. Most people view puberty as a strictly biological event.
Enlighten them by describing both physiological and environmental
factors that influence the process of puberty.
Why is it important to conduct a quality literature review?
Characterize the four major types of reviews. What are the
essential components of a quality literature review?
Describe the four major types of design for technology policy
and discuss their implications for promoting innovation to address
a particular environmental issue you choose in a few pages.