
In: Anatomy and Physiology

How is the orthopedic rehabilitation process in the shoulder dislocation

How is the orthopedic rehabilitation process in the shoulder dislocation


Expert Solution

Once the shoulder is restored to it's normal position in its socket rehabilitation process gets started

The rehabilitation process can be splitted into three phases

Phase 1,phase 2 , phase 3

Phase 1: This phase starts when the shoulder has been put into the socket . Polysling should be worn for a maximum of 2 weeks. pain can be a problem up to 2 -3 weeks u can control the pain with the basic pain killer like paracetamol

Your physiotherapist will give u some gentle moments for the arm out of the sling to reduce stiffness and relief some pain. Most important positions to avoid is holding ur arm at 90 degrees to ur side with palm facing upwards

Phase 2 :

The main focus of the phase is to inc ur range of moments further and inc muscle strength The physiotherapist will identify any weakness in these muscles and give you exercises to strengthen them.

The physiotherapist will assess the muscle control of the scapula and give you an appropriate exercise programme as necessary.

Phase 3:

The aim of this phase is to make progress towards functional and sporting activities, by helping you to regain the neuromuscular control of your shoulder. This is achieved by exercising the unstable shoulder in positions that challenge the shoulder muscles fully.

The physiotherapist will give you exercises that are as similar as possible to the movements you do during your sporting activitie

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