In: Anatomy and Physiology
Osteoporosis is the bone disease characterized by Loss of bone matrix and mineral. It is caused by-
1. Low level of calcitonin- calcitonin play important role in controlling the blood calcium level. Calcitonin stimulate osteoblastic activity and facilitate calcium deposits on bone. It also suppress osteoclastic activity. Thus low level of calcitonin will cause dissolution of bone leading to osteoporosis.
2. Removal of ovary or early menopause- ovaries secret estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for the growth of bone and deposition of calcium on bones. Thus, less estrogen will cause osteoporosis.
3. Excessive use of steroids- corticosteroids which are used inflammatory conditions, if taken in excess will cause loss of calcium from the body and less depository of calcium in bones. Calcium is required for the formation of bone and it's deficiency will cause osteoporosis.
4. Smoking- smoking cause decrease in level of both estrogen and testosterone. Both these hormones are responsible for the development of bone.