
In: Chemistry

Calculate the cell potential for the following reaction as written at 25.00 °C, given that [Zn2...

Calculate the cell potential for the following reaction as written at 25.00 °C, given that [Zn2 ] = 0.763 M and [Sn2 ] = 0.0140 M. Standard reduction potentials can be found here.

Zn(s)+SN2+ YIELDS Zn2+(aq)+Sn(s)


Expert Solution

As in the given problem

Zn(s)+Sn2+ -------------> Zn2+(aq)+Sn(s)

Zinc oxidized and tin reduces

Zinc will act as an anode and tin as a cathode

Than standard reduction potential of the cell = Eo cathode- Eo Anode

                                                                                    = -0.14 – (-0.76) (from electrochemical series)

                                                                                    = 0.62 volts

E cell = Eocell – RT/nF log [con of oxidized form] /[con of reduced form]

         = 0.62 – 0.0591/2 log (0.763/ 0.0140)

         = 0.62 – 0.0591/2 log 54.4

         = 0.62 - 0.02955 X 1.73

         = 0.62 - 0.0512

     = 0.5688 volts

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