1. The problems that can result due to wearing contact lens
- Dry eyes
- wearing contact lens and working on computer for longer time
can lead to computer vision syndrome
- Blockage of oxygen supply to the eyes
- Diminished corneal reflex
- Conjunctivitis
- Light sensitivity
- Corneal abrasions
- Corneal ulcer
- Wash the hands before and after wearing contact lens
- Disinfect the lens with suitable methods
- Do not over wear the contact lens as it can diminish oxygen
supply to the eyes
- Get the regular eye check up
- If contact lens are not suitable then go for alternate methods
like LASIK as a permanent method
- Should not sleep wearing contact lens
2. The ophthalmology group can defend themselves saying that she
doesn't fall under glaucoma risk group category so they have not
performed glaucoma related tests
The major risk factors for glaucoma are:
- Age over 60 years
- Having certain medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension,
heart disease and sickle cell anemia
- Increased intraocular pressure
- Being black, asian or hispanic
- Family history
- Thin cornea
- High Myopia