
In: Math

Case 1 Instruction (Accounting Application) Use the MS Excel tabular graphical methods of descriptive statistics to...

Case 1 Instruction (Accounting Application) Use the MS Excel tabular graphical methods of descriptive statistics to summarize the sample data in the data set named PelicanStores in Case 1 folder. The managerial report should contain summaries such as:

1. A frequency and relative frequency distributions for the methods of payment (different cards). (20%)

2. Mean, median, first quartile, third quartile, and sample standard deviation for net sales from regular customers. (20%)

3. Mean, median, first quartile, third quartile, and sample standard deviation for net sales from married female. (20%)

4. Apply the location method to calculate the 60th percentile manually of net sales for each method (card) of payment. Please indicate which card has the highest 60th percentile and show the process. (20%)

5. Apply Chebyshev’s Theorem to calculate the range (i.e. $ to $) of at least 75% of the net sales must fall within for the Proprietary Card payment. (20%) (Hint: What is the z-score for at least 75% of data range?)

Customer Type of Customer Items Net Sales Method of Payment Gender Marital Status Age
1 Regular 1 39.50 Discover Male Married 32
2 Promotional 1 102.40 Proprietary Card Female Married 36
3 Regular 1 22.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 32
4 Promotional 5 153.50 Proprietary Card Female Single 28
5 Regular 2 54.00 MasterCard Female Married 34
6 Regular 1 44.50 MasterCard Female Married 44
7 Promotional 2 78.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
8 Regular 1 22.50 Visa Female Married 40
9 Promotional 2 56.52 Proprietary Card Female Married 46
10 Regular 1 44.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 36
11 Regular 1 107.40 MasterCard Female Single 48
12 Promotional 1 31.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 40
13 Promotional 9 160.40 Visa Female Married 40
14 Promotional 2 64.50 Visa Female Married 46
15 Regular 1 49.50 Visa Male Single 24
16 Promotional 2 71.40 Proprietary Card Male Single 36
17 Promotional 3 94.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 22
18 Regular 3 54.50 Discover Female Married 40
19 Promotional 2 38.50 MasterCard Female Married 32
20 Promotional 6 44.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 56
21 Promotional 1 31.60 Proprietary Card Female Single 28
22 Promotional 4 70.82 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
23 Promotional 7 266.00 American Express Female Married 50
24 Regular 2 74.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 42
25 Promotional 2 39.50 Visa Male Married 48
26 Promotional 1 30.02 Proprietary Card Female Married 60
27 Regular 1 44.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
28 Promotional 5 192.80 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
29 Regular 3 71.20 Visa Male Married 48
30 Promotional 1 18.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 70
31 Promotional 2 63.20 MasterCard Female Married 28
32 Regular 1 75.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 52
33 Promotional 3 77.69 Visa Female Single 26
34 Regular 1 40.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 34
35 Promotional 5 105.50 MasterCard Female Married 56
36 Regular 1 29.50 MasterCard Male Single 36
37 Regular 2 102.50 Visa Female Single 42
38 Promotional 6 117.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 50
39 Promotional 5 13.23 Proprietary Card Male Married 44
40 Regular 2 52.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 58
41 Promotional 13 198.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 42
42 Promotional 4 19.50 Visa Female Married 46
43 Regular 2 123.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 48
44 Promotional 1 62.40 Proprietary Card Male Married 54
45 Promotional 2 23.80 Discover Male Married 38
46 Promotional 2 39.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 60
47 Regular 1 25.00 MasterCard Female Married 46
48 Promotional 3 63.64 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
49 Promotional 1 14.82 Proprietary Card Female Married 32
50 Promotional 9 145.20 MasterCard Female Married 46
51 Promotional 6 176.62 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
52 Promotional 5 118.80 Proprietary Card Male Married 68
53 Regular 1 58.00 Discover Female Single 78
54 Regular 2 74.00 Visa Female Single 20
55 Regular 2 49.50 MasterCard Female Married 32
56 Promotional 3 141.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
57 Promotional 6 123.10 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
58 Promotional 2 80.40 Discover Female Married 48
59 Promotional 4 65.20 MasterCard Female Married 46
60 Regular 4 113.00 American Express Male Single 50
61 Promotional 1 108.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 46
62 Promotional 3 59.91 Discover Female Single 30
63 Promotional 5 53.60 Proprietary Card Male Married 54
64 Promotional 1 31.60 Proprietary Card Female Single 42
65 Promotional 2 49.50 Visa Male Married 48
66 Promotional 1 39.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 62
67 Promotional 2 98.60 Visa Female Single 34
68 Promotional 5 146.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 28
69 Promotional 2 47.20 Visa Male Married 46
70 Promotional 8 95.05 Proprietary Card Female Married 54
71 Promotional 5 155.32 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
72 Promotional 4 58.00 MasterCard Female Married 32
73 Regular 1 69.00 Proprietary Card Female Single 22
74 Promotional 2 46.50 American Express Female Married 32
75 Promotional 2 45.22 Proprietary Card Female Married 74
76 Promotional 4 84.74 American Express Female Married 62
77 Regular 2 39.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 42
78 Promotional 4 111.14 Proprietary Card Female Married 28
79 Promotional 3 86.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 38
80 Regular 2 89.00 Discover Female Married 54
81 Promotional 2 78.00 MasterCard Female Married 68
82 Promotional 6 53.20 Proprietary Card Female Single 30
83 Promotional 4 58.50 Visa Female Married 36
84 Promotional 3 46.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 44
85 Regular 2 37.50 Visa Female Married 44
86 Promotional 1 20.80 Proprietary Card Female Married 62
87 Regular 6 144.00 MasterCard Female Single 48
88 Regular 4 107.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 36
89 Promotional 1 31.60 Proprietary Card Female Single 20
90 Promotional 6 57.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 42
91 Promotional 4 105.73 American Express Male Married 54
92 Regular 1 44.85 American Express Male Married 65
93 Regular 5 159.75 Proprietary Card Female Married 72
94 Promotional 17 229.50 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
95 Regular 3 66.00 American Express Female Married 46
96 Regular 1 39.50 MasterCard Female Married 44
97 Promotional 9 253.00 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
98 Regular 10 287.59 American Express Male Single 44
99 Promotional 2 47.60 Proprietary Card Female Married 30
100 Promotional 1 75.42 Proprietary Card Male Single 28


Expert Solution

The frequency distribution for the method of payment:

Method_of_Payment Frequency Relative Frequency

American Express









Proprietary Card





Total = 100 1

2) The Summary Statistics for Net Sales is,(overall data)

Minimum = 13.23

Maximum = 287.59

Mean = 80.25

Median = 2'nd Quirtile = 63.42

1'st Quirtile = 44.50

3'rd Quirtile = 105.56

Statndard Deviation = 55.58492

3) The Summary Statistics for Net Sales is,(for married female data)

Minimum = 14.82

Maximum = 266.00

Mean = 81.05

Median = 2'nd Quirtile = 63.42

1'st Quirtile = 44.50

3'rd Quirtile = 106.62

Statndard Deviation = 56.54763

60th Quartile for each method of payment:


60th Quartile



Proprietary Card






American Express


From the above table, each method has the same quartile.

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