In: Operations Management
It is important to assess the strategy-culture compatibility when implementing a new strategy. Do you think that culture follows strategy, or does strategy follow culture? In your response, use Microsoft Corporation to illustrate your points. Justify your answer
Answer :
It is important to assess the strategy-culture compatibility when implementing a new strategy. Thus the compatibility between the strategy and culture is very essential because the strategy should be suitable and compitable with the culture of the organization. the culture is a large elelment as compared to the staregy element for any business.
We think that culture will not follows strategy, but the strategy will follow the culture of the organization. because the culture is a larger item compared to stratgey and the cultur eof the organization is one time event and it can not be changed as and when needed for the business. the culture is developed in the organization over a long time may be from the start of the business. In the exisiting culture, many startegies are implemented and survived.
Microsoft organzaton had developed a culture and their strategies are designed in such a way that they are suitable to their exsiting culture. the culture of the Microsoft is the similar from day one.It is being developed in the sence it is required for the business. Now this culture an not be changed by any strategies. The Microsoft organization will not allow for change of the culture due to change in the startegies. The strategies can be altered or changed in order tosuit the culture of the organization.