
In: Computer Science

In Scala, what is First-order Function, Recursion, and Immutability? How to write them? Please provide some...

In Scala, what is First-order Function, Recursion, and Immutability? How to write them? Please provide some examples and details to explain it. Also, what will be the benefits of using them when writing codes.


Expert Solution



  • Scala defined as a the programming language that are used by both functional programming and object oriented programming which gives the support for creating applications.
  • Companies which uses scala are as follows:
  1. Twitter
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Netflix
  4. Airbnb
  5. Tumblr
  • In Scala functions is a complete object which are used for assigning variables and these variables passed to some another function and these function, which returns value to the function are known as first order function and also function which are used to define as a member of various object is known as methods.
  • In Scala Recursion is used to divided or breaking the complex problems into sub smaller parts i.e function calling itself .
  • Scala supports immutable because in scala there are two distinguish collection i.e mutable means you can add, remove, change the values and second is Immutable means value does not changed.

Following are the steps write code in scala are as follows:

  1. Install Scala in your system
  2. Check JDK is available on your system or not, if not install JDK because scala needs JDK to create .class file which is in byte code.
  3. JVM is also used in scala to execute byte code.
  • Example of Simple Scala Program

object ScalaExam


def main(args:Array[String])


println "HELLO SCALA"



After code steps

  • File name: Save this file as ScalaExam.scala
  • Command for compilation : scala ScalaExam.scala
  • Command to execute compiled code: scala ScalaExam
  • Output: HELLO SCALA

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