In: Computer Science
Write a program in python that implements quicksort, first using recursion and then without recursion.
Using Recursion:
def make_partition(arr, low, high):
i = (low-1) # index of smaller element
temp = arr[high]
for j in range(low, high):
# If current element is smaller than or equal to temp then swap
#element and increment i by 1
if arr[j] <= temp:
i = i+1
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] #swap element
arr[i+1], arr[high] = arr[high], arr[i+1]
return (i+1)
def quickSort(arr, low, high):
#check if array has only one element the return array
if len(arr) == 1:
return arr
if low < high:
#fnd partitioning_index by calling function make_partition()
partitioning_index = make_partition(arr, low, high)
#sort elements before partition and after partition
quickSort(arr, low, partitioning_index-1)
quickSort(arr, partitioning_index+1, high)
#empty array to be sorted
arr = []
#get number of element from user
size = int(input("Enter how many element you want to sort : "))
#get one by one element from user
for i in range(1,size+1):
element = int(input("Enter element of "+str(i)+" : "))
#call function to sort array
quickSort(arr, 0, size-1)
#print sorted array
print(("-"*20)+" Sorted Array "+("-"*20))
for i in range(size):
print("%d" % arr[i])
Without Recursion:
def partition(arr,l,h):
i = ( l - 1 )
x = arr[h]
for j in range(l , h):
# If current element is smaller than or equal to temp then swap
#element and increment i by 1
if arr[j] <= x:
i = i+1
arr[i],arr[j] = arr[j],arr[i]
arr[i+1],arr[h] = arr[h],arr[i+1]
return (i+1)
def quickSort(arr,l,h):
# Create stack
size = h - l + 1
stack = [0] * (size)
# initialize top of stack
top = -1
# push values of l and h to stack
top = top + 1
stack[top] = l
top = top + 1
stack[top] = h
# Keep popping from stack while is not empty
while top >= 0:
# Pop h and l
h = stack[top]
top = top - 1
l = stack[top]
top = top - 1
# Set middle element at its correct position in
# sorted array
middle = partition( arr, l, h )
# If there are elements on left side of middle,
# then push left side to stack
if middle-1 > l:
top = top + 1
stack[top] = l
top = top + 1
stack[top] = middle - 1
# If there are elements on right side of middle,
# then push right side to stack
if middle+1 < h:
top = top + 1
stack[top] = middle + 1
top = top + 1
stack[top] = h
#empty array to be sorted
arr = []
#get number of element from user
size = int(input("Enter how many element you want to sort : "))
#get one by one element from user
for i in range(1,size+1):
element = int(input("Enter element of "+str(i)+" : "))
#call function to sort array
quickSort(arr, 0, size-1)
#print sorted array
print(("-"*20)+" Sorted Array "+("-"*20))
for i in range(size):
print("%d" % arr[i])