
In: Computer Science

Translate the following Code into MIPS (.asm) Arrays and Reentrant Subprograms CallingSubroutinesDemo.asm Implement the following pseudo...

Translate the following Code into MIPS (.asm)

Arrays and Reentrant Subprograms


Implement the following pseudo code in a program called SubRoutinePractice.asm.  Be sure to follow proper protocol for
calling subroutines.  Implement a prolog and epilog.

// Main routine asks for three numbers from the user.  Stores them in $s0, $s1 and $s2
// It then calls a subroutine that determines the largest and sum.
// Program then prints the results
main() {
    // $s0, $s1 and $s2 hold input values
    // $s3 and $s4 hold largest and average respectfully
    // Print(“Enter 2 values”);
    $s0 = readInt();    
    $s1 = readInt();
    $s2 = readInt();
    $a0 = $s0, $a1 = $s1, $a2 = $s2;
    $s3, $s4 = largestAndAverage($a0, $a1, $a2);
    // Print out “Largest is: “ + $s3
    // Print out “The average is: “ + $s4

//  This subroutine receives three arguments.  It calls getLarger to
//  find the largest and then calculates the average
//  It returns largest and average in $v0 and $v1
//  Note:  Since we are reusing $s0, $s1 and $s2, we MUST push those
//  registers onto the stack in the prolog and restore the values in the epilog
//  Don't forget the $ra!!
Subprogram largestAndAverage($a0, $a1, $a2){
    int $s0 = $a0, $s1 = $a1, $s2 = $a2;
    $s3 = getLarger($a0, $a1);   // I need to move $s0 to $a0 and $s1 to $a1
    $v0 = getLarger($a0, $a1);   // Move $s3 to $a0 and $s2 to $a1
    $v1 = ($s0 + $s1 + $s2) / 3; // Average is in $v1

// This program does stuff.
Subprogram getLarger($a0, $a1) {
    $v0 = $a0
    if ($a1 > $a0)
        $v0 = $a1

# Demonstrate calling subroutines
# We walked through this code on 10/13 to help with the homework assignments. Just a simple
# demonstration of calling subroutines.

Prompt: .asciiz "This is an unused prompt"
.globl main
# Random numbers. Should get from user
li $s0, 4
li $s1, 5
li $s2, 6
# Want to call a subroutine. I need to move my variables in $s0, $s1 and $s2 into
# the registers that are ALWAYS used to pass data to a subroutine
move $a0, $s0 # Move my data to three by five cards and hand it to him.
move $a1, $s1   # I don't want to give him my cards, because he could mess them up.
move $a2, $s2
jal someStupidSubroutine
# when you get here, you can only be guaranteed that $s0, $s1 and $s2 are the same
move $s3, $v0       # Because subroutines ALWAYS return the results in $v0
move $a0, $s3
li $v0, 1
li $v0, 10

# ------------------------------------------------
# Each subroutine can have its own .data and .text
# We are simply telling the assembler what the code is used for.
s1Prompt: .asciiz "This is not used"

# Prolog - You have to do the following
# 1. You have to save any data that MUST be preserved on the stack
# This includes the $ra register and any $s registers you are going to use
# 2. To do that, you need to make room. Adjust the $sp
# 3. Push your data onto the stack
# Assume in "someStupidSubroutine" I am going to use $s0 and $s1
# I need room for 3 words. $ra, $s0 and $s1
addi $sp, $sp, -12       # I just moved the $sp down 12 bytes. So now I have room
# above the stack pointer to store information
sw $ra, 0($sp)
sw $s0, 4($sp)
sw $s1, 8($sp)

# Logic
   add $s0, $a0, $a1
   add $s1, $s0, $a2        # this is dumb but I'm doing it.
   move $a0, $s0           # You have to move stuff around to ensure it is in the right place
   move $a1, $s1
   jal someStupidSubroutine2
   move $v0, $v0       # Move results from someStupidSubroutine2 into $v0 (Not needed here, but)
                   # if you had done other work before the routine, you need to move the results)

# Epilog
# 1. Push your return value to $v0
# 2. Put the candle back. i.e. You need to put the information you stored back where it was
   lw $s1, 8($sp)
   lw $s0, 4($sp)
   lw $ra, 0($sp)           # I need to restore the return address
   addi $sp, $sp, 12
jr $ra

# ---------------------------------------------------

# If this doesn't call any other subroutines or modify any $s registers, it doesn't need
# an epilog and prolog
# Every subroutine definitely needs a .text. It will only need a .data if it has static data
# Everything else is local and goes away when the subroutine does a jr $ra
add $v0, $a0, $a1
jr $ra



Expert Solution

Please find the answer below.
Please do comments in case of any issue. Also, don't forget to rate the question. Thank You So Much.

# Demonstrate calling subroutines
# We walked through this code on 10/13 to help with the homework assignments. Just a simple
# demonstration of calling
prompt: .asciiz "Enter 3 values below\n"
prompt1: .asciiz "\nLargest is : "
prompt2: .asciiz "\nThe average is : "

.globl main
# Random numbers. Should get from user
li $s0, 4
li $s1, 5
li $s2, 6

li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt #it will print prompt
jal readInt
move $s0,$v0 #get s0

jal readInt
move $s1,$v0 #get s1

jal readInt
move $s2,$v0 #get s2

move $a0, $s0 # Move my data to three by five cards and hand it to him.
move $a1, $s1 # I don't want to give him my cards, because he could mess them up.
move $a2, $s2
jal largestAndAverage

li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt1 #it will print prompt
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s3

li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt2 #it will print prompt
li $v0,1
move $a0,$s4

li $v0, 10

# Prolog - You have to do the following
# 1. You have to save any data that MUST be preserved on the stack
# This includes the $ra register and any $s registers you are going to use
# 2. To do that, you need to make room. Adjust the $sp
# 3. Push your data onto the stack
# Assume in "someStupidSubroutine" I am going to use $s0 and $s1
# I need room for 3 words. $ra, $s0 and $s1
addi $sp, $sp, -12 # I just moved the $sp down 12 bytes. So now I have room
# above the stack pointer to store information
sw $ra, 0($sp)
sw $s0, 4($sp)
sw $s1, 8($sp)
sw $s2, 12($sp)

move $s3,$s0 #think may be s1 is greater
blt $s1,$s3,skip
move $s3,$s1 #think may be s1 is greater
blt $s2,$s3,skip2
move $s3,$s2 #think may be s1 is greater

add $s4,$s0,$s1
add $s4,$s4,$s2 #get all sum
div $s4,$s4,3 #get average

lw $s2, 12($sp)
lw $s1, 8($sp)
lw $s0, 4($sp)
lw $ra, 0($sp) # I need to restore the return address
addi $sp, $sp, 12
jr $ra

li $v0,5
jr $ra


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