In: Computer Science
Reuse the code to prompt the user for a specific day, test
whether it is
within range, and then output the estimated concrete strength from
the fitted
curve using polyval. Run your function from the command window for
different days to test the functioning of your code. The program
preferably loop until the user asks to exit.
x = days
y = rain (mm)
x = [0 1 2 3 7 14 28];
y = [0 4 9.5 14 17.5 19.5 25.5];
%use polyfit to second order polynomial
a = polyfit(x,y,2);
xx = linspace(1,28);
yy = polyval(a,xx);
% Matlab script that prompts the user for a specific day, test
whether it is
% within range, and then output the estimated concrete strength
from the fitted
% curve using polyval.
x = [0 1 2 3 7 14 28]; % days
y = [0 4 9.5 14 17.5 19.5 25.5]; % rain (mm)
%use polyfit to second order polynomial
a = polyfit(x,y,2);
%xx = linspace(1,28);
%yy = polyval(a,xx);
done = false;
% loop that continues until the user exits
while ~done
% input the day
day = input('Enter a day(1-28): ');
% validate day to be between [1,28], re-prompt until valid
while day < 1 || day > 28
day = input('Day must be between [1,28]. Enter a day(1-28):
% calculate the concrete strength from the fitted curve using
rain = polyval(a, day);
% display the estimation
fprintf('The estimated concrete strength: %f\n',rain);
% ask if user wants to continue
contChoice = input('Enter "Y" to enter another day? ','s');
% if user wants to exit, set done to true
if strcmpi(contChoice,'y') == 0
done = true;
%end of script