In: Computer Science
We have to write script file to find out cofactor of matrix.
Script file:-
function cof=cof(a)
%% Check Input Argument
if isempty(a)
%% Algorithm
[r, c] = size(a); %determine size of input
m = ones(r,c); %preallocate r x c cofactor matrix
a_temp=a; %create temporary matrix equal to input
for i = 1:r
for k = 1:c
a_temp([i],:)=[]; %remove ith row
a_temp(:,[k])=[]; %remove kth row
m(i,k) = ((-1)^(i+k))*det(a_temp); %compute cofactor element
a_temp=a; %reset elements of temporary matrix to input
cof=m; %return cofactor matrix as output variable
Paste above file in Editor section of matlab
(save it as name 'cof')
Then in command window type these command.(TYPE YOUR MATRIX AND INVERSE FORMULA given below)
Step 1.) a=[1 2 5 4 8;7 5 8 9 6;4 1 4 5 2;7 8 5 6 3;7 8 5 2 1]
Step 2.) inverse=cof(a)'/det(a)
cof(a) command help us to find out cofactor of 'a' matrix.
det(a) command help us to find out Determent of 'a' matrix
cof(a)' Transpose of cofactor matrix
INVERSE formula using cofactor = cof(a)'/det(a)
Editor Section
Command Window section :-
Full-screen shot of a working screen :-
If you need any help in understanding, Please comment your query.
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Thank You