
In: Math

Did you come across any notable data analysis tools during your research for the activity submission?...

Did you come across any notable data analysis tools during your research for the activity submission? Share with your fellow classmates any interesting or useful hardware or software tools that you have come across. Discuss your thoughts on the applicability of this tool in your context or field of interest, as well as any ways in which you think this tool could be beneficial to a specific industry or job role.


Expert Solution


Hello friends, good morning to all of you. Today, I am going to tell you guys about a data analysis software named as "R". "R" is a programming software that has wide application in data analysis field. "R" was created by Robert gentelman and Ross Ihaka at University of Auckland Newzeland. R made it first appearence in 1993. R is freely available under general public license and pre compiled binary versions are available for various operating systems like Windows, Linux and Mac. R has wide applicability in the data analysis field. It has many packages that is vary useful in data analysis. R has very strong graphics. Graphic representation is very important aspect of data analysis and we can do the same with the help of R. We can draw bar plot, histogram, box plot, pie diagram etc. with the help of R. R can read data which are in the CSV, doc, xls etc formats. R can also read data from url. Modern era is the era of data. In every field large amount of data are produced in every second. Let us consider e-commerce industry. There are many e- commerce companies are there in the industry. A large amount of customer's purchasing data is producing every seconds with every purchase. Here R comes handy. We can analyze the data with the help of R. By analyzing data they can have idea about the customer purchasing behaviour, their shopping patterns and all the relevant information which will be useful to maximize their profit.

So, we can say that R is very useful programming software that is very useful in data analysis.

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