
In: Psychology

What are your reactions to the MBTI/personality assessment activity? What were your results? Did any surprise...

What are your reactions to the MBTI/personality assessment activity? What were your results? Did any surprise you?

I am a Defender with a ISFJ personality and my career interst is in finance

Think about how your personality relates to your career choice. Discuss aspects of your personality that make you a good fit for this career. Discuss aspects that could pose a challenge in your career and how you will attempt to overcome them.


Expert Solution

Firstly, the MBTI personality type is useful to judge compatibility within a team, surmise behavioural traits and other such small assessments. The MBTI might be used an aid in picking a profession but not a final outcome. Some popular ISFJ's are Mother Theresa and Michael Cain, who have both thrived in very different fields.

The SJ in your personality is sensing and judgment. This is probably what placed you in the field of finance. However, one’s interests are not always determined by their personality type but rather by their passion and abilities.

(Here, you could make two columns. One where you list the traits that would make you good at finance eg. Good at maths, good analytic abilities etc. Also, you can list traits in the second column that would make you bad at finance, eg. Interest in art and not economics etc. You will have you answer this part based on your own personal traits.)

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