
In: Anatomy and Physiology

1)Name two differences between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. 2)Describe six steps of transmission at...

1)Name two differences between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

2)Describe six steps of transmission at a neuron to neuron synapse using the illustration below.

3)Name two functions of cerebrospinal fluid.

4)Describe a somatic reflex


Expert Solution


  • Sympathetic system is controlled by thoraco-lumbar vertebrae (T1,2 - L1,3) Whereas parasympathetic system is controlled by cranio-sacral vertebrae; Cranial nerve III, VII, IX, X
  • Sympathetic system controls the 'Fight and flight ' condition Rest & Digestion control is undertaken by parasympathetic system
  • Adrenoreceptors are involved (Alpha & Beta receptors) Cholinoreceptors are involved in Parasympathetic system (Muscarinic & Nicotinic receptors)


Step 1: Presynaptic neuron is excited by an electrical signal called 'Action potential'

Step 2:Calcium ions enters to the presynaptic terminal & Vesicles containing the neurotransmitter moves towards the plasma membrane of presynaptic membrane and fuse with it & Relaese of the neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.

Step 3: Interaction of neurotransmitter with the receptor proteins present on the postsynaptic neuron & Na+ ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane open and Na+ ions diffuse into the postsynaptic neuron

Step 4:  A threashold potential is created in the postsynaptic neuron and thus the action potential begins.

Step 5: The neurotransmitter is degraded by specific enzymes released from the receptor proteins.

Step 6: Na+ ion channels closes, no further Na+ ions can diffuse into the postsynaptic neuron.


  1. CSF provides nutrients to the nervous system tissues and flushes away the metabolic waste products from it.
  2. Act as a cushion around the brain and spinal cord to protects from a sudden shock or trauma.


Patellar reflex is an example for Somatic Motor reflex:

  • The sensory receptor responds to the stimulus by producing a generator or receptor potential.------------The tendon of the knee is stretched by tapping at the knee resulting in stretching of the quadriceps muscle spindle
  • The sensory neuron conducts impulse from the receptor to the integrating centre.---------------------------Sensory neuron carries the information
  • The integrating centre is one or more regions within the CNS that relay impulses from sensory to motor neuron.------------------------------Enters the Spinal cord via dorsal root and synapse with the interneuron which transfers the signal to the motor neuron to cause motor neuron activation.
  • Motor neuron axon conducts impulse from the integrating centre to the effector organ.----------------------------Motor neuron exit with the signal through the ventral root
  • Effector muscle that respond to the motor nerve impulse.--------------------------------------------------Muscle contraction occurs to retreive the knee.

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