Advantages and Disadvantages of structured interview
and unstructured interview
Structured Interview:
A Structured interview (also known as a standardized interview
or a researcher-administered survey) is a quantitative research
method commonly employed in survey research.The aim of this
approach to ensure that each interview is presented with exactly
the same questions in the same order.
Structured interviews are a means of collecting data for a
statistical survey.In this case,the data is collected by an
interviewer rather than through a self-administered
quetionnaire.Interviewers read the questions exactly as they on the
survey questionnaire.The choice of answers to the quetions is often
fixed (close-ended) in advance,though open-ended questions can also
be included within a structured interview.
Advantages of structured interview:
- Standardised questions =a standardised response,all respondents
faced with the same questions in the same order
- Potential to pre-code answers using computers to analyse the
data makes it more straight forward to produce statistical results
as well as being able to quote interviews in the study.
- High response rate as new respondents can be accessed if sample
size drops.
- The interviews is present to explain the question to avoid
Disadvantages of Structured interviews:
- The interviwer can potentially effect the answers through using
tone of voice and body language
- Interview is only as good as the questions it contains if the
interviewer or the respondents misinterprets the data then it
becomes invalid
- Interviewing people is time consuming and costly to higher
- People may change their answers because of 'social desirability
bias' since they dont wanna sound bad infront of someone else.
Unstructured Interviews:
An Unstructured interview is an interview in which there is no
specific set of predetermined quetions,altough the interviewer
usually has certain topics in mind that they wish to cover during
the interview.
Unstructured interviews flow like an everyday conversation and
tend to be more informal and open-ended.
Advantages of Structured interview:
- Rapport and sensitivity -informality allows interviewer to gain
rapport so more likely to open in format interview
found it hard to open up as uneasy as linguistically deprived but
by using relaxed style(eg.sitting on floor) children relaxed and
opened up
- Checking understanding - easier for interviewer and interviewee
to check each others meanings - if interviewee doesn't understand
question they can ask follow up questions to find out more
- Flexibility-no fixed set of questions so can explore whats
interesting/relevant at the time.Interviewer can find new ideas and
Disadvantages of Unstructured Interview:
- Practical problems-unstructured interviews take long time to
conduct-limits number that can be carried out=small sample size
compared with methods such as questionnaires - less
- Reliability - not reliable as not standardized-each one unique
as may ask different questions to different people if something
interesting occurs so its almost impossible to replicate
- Ethical issues-in an interview it may be hard to not answer
questions that may be sensitive or that interviewee doesn't want to
talk about-also issues with confidentially or harm if sensitive